
our dancing days

  • Counting

    It will be eight months, three days, seven hours and roughly ten minutes before they see each other again; they don't know that yet. So Seamus begs Dean not to leave. / Dean, Seamus, and fighting a war too young.

  • Guardian Angel

    Lily Evans has a habit of losing things, but they always have a way of coming back to her in the end. / lilyjamesdrabble.

  • Afraid To Run Away

    "Apparently you hated flying but fell in love with a Quidditch player, and were scared of heights, but still took Astronomy. Because you were always a hero, Mrs Potter." / Luna Lovegood thinks of her hero.

  • Would Heroes Lie

    Darling; I think your throne's been overturned. / daphneharry poem.

  • dreamer girl

    Sweetheart, sometimes dreams are supposed to stay between the pages. / freeverse.

  • Claire De La Lune

    "There were times when he would bloody himself, tear himself apart in hatred for her. Now, he curls up in the corner and whimpers." / Some nights, the moon regrets.

  • pinky promises, darlin'

    You can break the pinky, darlin', but you can't break the promise; that's a given. / freeverse.

  • The Room of Hidden Things

    In the Afterlife, Draco returns to the Room of Hidden Things, where he belongs, and waits for someone to find him.

  • Fierce

    "It is hours later, after nobody comes to find her, when Madam Pince gently - shockingly - removes the book from Lily's loose fingertips and whispers in her ear for her to go to her dormitory now. Lily nods, and walks away, and Madam Pince feels a hint of regret, because children should be allowed to mourn." / Lily Evans reflects.

  • I Solemnly Swear

    "Either you'll put me into Slytherin, or I'll turn you into a common sock!" / Six-parter. The sorting of the Marauders, plus two.

  • Portrait

    Children are not born evil, and once upon a time, the Black sisters were exactly that; children.

  • Un Ange

    They told her she was lovely Fleur, charming Fleur, beautiful Fleur, darling Fleur - what if she didn't want to be? What if she wanted to just be Fleur? / billfleur.

  • humpty dumpty

    Then, last but not least, comes the final brigade, hearts ablaze and eyes on fire, backing out of the trenches to face No Man's Land where the coffin lays. / next-gen freeverse.

  • playwright

    Follow your lines to the letter - (Critics hate improvisation.) / freeverse.

  • lily of the valley

    She could've been the angel and people would whisper about her, saying, "That's the girl who saved Severus Snape." / freeverse.

  • Amazon

    "She loved her cold, hard beauty, all angles and smirks and hair as wild and as black as her heart. She never wished for Dromeda's sweet, brown eyes or Cissy's princess-blonde hair. Not Bella; she was the belladonna, and she liked it that way." / 20 things you never knew about Bellatrix Lestrange.

  • seven years bad luck

    "The mirror breaks and you find that your blood isn't as blue as the people at school led you to believe. Huh." / freeverse.

  • hold 'em close

    "Thing is, the king of hearts can't shine quite so bright if all you have is diamonds." / Poker isn't a game for the faint-hearted. freeverse.

  • Star

    "The first time he performed an Unforgivable, he threw up all over Andy's shoes." / 20 things you never knew about Sirius Black.

  • every footstep

    "He'll go back to being Remus Lupin - tiptoeing around the girl he used to love." / remuslily, lilyjames freeverse.