
our dancing days

  • believe

    Because children aren't born evil; cowards don't play at playgrounds and sinners don't buy lollipops. You don't get on the express train outta Hell to be bought by the Devil. / freeverse.

  • How The Potters Died

    It was quite funny how Albus was always the favourite, and yet they cried harder at James' funeral than they would've done at his. / The five deaths of the Potters.

  • Frogs

    Exactly how Delilah Finnigan told her husband she was a witch, and exactly how Michael Finnigan took it.

  • Stargazing

    Rose and Scorpius bring in the new year with fireworks, engagements to Hugo, thinking, stargazing and, of course, kisses. / when 2011 comes to a close.

  • The Laughterlife

    "You know, Prongs, your kid hasn't turned out half bad." ... "Why thanks, Padfoot. I'd say the same about yours, but even if you had one, all the inbreeding would've done a number on the blighter and the words just wouldn't have been heartfelt." / The Marauders meet again.

  • Commentator

    "Mr Black, this is supposed to be an un-biased, just commentary." ... "If you wanted that, Minnie, you should have hired a Hufflepuff."

  • Heart of Gold

    He meets her on a train to Quebec, of all places. "I'm not a hero," she tells him with a wave of her hand. "Simply a little bit heroic." / Luna, Rolf, and the beginning.

  • They Were Golden

    "They're children, Albus," she says wearily, sitting down opposite him. "What were you thinking?"/ Emmeline Vance reflects.

  • Drink With Me

    They pretended that Sirius didn't suspect Remus and that Remus didn't suspect Sirius. They pretended that they hadn't started to forget what Peter looked like, and they pretended that James wasn't starting to drown his troubles in the bottom of a glass too big to be called a shot. / The short life of Lily Potter.

  • To Die A Gryffindor

    But right now, the Death Eaters don't care what her smile looks like. They don't care if she's brave. / The death and life of Parvati Patil.

  • The Black Swans

    You see only three perfect purebloods in formal robes, and you don't think for a second that they will all rebel, one day, in the name of love.

  • In Remembrance

    "The faded envelope said simply, Sirius." / A letter from Regulus, in remembrance of his brave, invincible Gryffindor dork of a brother.

  • On This Spot

    Live long, Harry. It's more than your parents got.

  • Fred

    "You look so much like him, you know." "That's not an answer, Dad." "To what, Fred?" Me. / Fred, George, and the art of remembering,

  • The Holy Chess Set of Gryffindor

    A story of blushing Professors and young love. / lilyjames.

  • House of Cards

    It turned out better than expected, in the end. The Sorting Hat had accepted that. / Who said you belong to only one house?

  • Metaphorically

    "I want you to remember the trivial things that made our dead special. I want you to remember their quirks, and their faults, and everything that made the men, women and children who died here today memorable." / au.

  • A Hero's Tale

    Harry said, "Here's my life - take it or leave it." And they took it; they took it all, because they couldn't let him live knowing there was a better world out there for him, with a change of a name and transfiguration spell. He was supposed to be their hero. / au.

  • Just a Name

    What is in a name? / Neville and realising that not being the Boy Who Lived is a god-send in the end.

  • Remember

    A re-imagining of Lavender Brown. / Drabble.