
our dancing days

  • Gamble

    Lily Potter takes a gamble, to remain forever twenty-one. / Drabble based on motherhood.

  • Blank

    The day before his eleventh birthday, Harry Potter was captured from the suburbs of Surrey, England, and now, with the help of his "superhero" friends, he has to find the nerve to escape. And things tend to explode when Harry gets brave. / au. on hiatus.

  • Galaxy

    "Bellatrix decided that, as she couldn't use magic, their father's wand was good enough to poke through her sister's eye. Not in. Through." / 20 things you never knew about Andromeda Tonks.

  • Existence

    "She had been a Ravenclaw, did you know?" / Revenge is a funny thing.

  • Soar, Icarus, Soar

    He is Icarus; he will fly. / remustonks drabble.

  • Mania

    Obsessive love is still love, after all. / Seven pairings. Seven endings. One type of love.

  • The Best People

    All three of them were insane, off their heads, mad. But Remus always said that all the best people are.

  • Queen

    Bethany Granger almost wished that she could have a Jean, or an Emma, or a Lucy, rather than her Hermione. Almost.

  • kisses and snakes

    The posters around the school fade slightly. They crinkle at the edges, curl up at the corners. Yellow with age and negligence. "Has anyone seen Regulus Black?" / freeverse.

  • Another Life

    In another life, perhaps they might've won. / A what-if story.

  • Such Sweet Sorrow

    for you and I are past our dancing days. / drabble collection.

  • The Prodigal Son

    "Despite what he claims later, Sirius does not leave in a flash of fury and fireworks as his personality suggests." / Different snapshots from the life of Sirius Black.

  • To Love You

    Their relationship is one of Muggle cigarettes and obsession. / rodolphusbellatrix.

  • Padfoot and Prongs

    James was dead. / Drabble.

  • Heart of Stone

    It's not real love; just a silly little pretend thing that people claim to be true. It isn't. Honest. / jamesnarcissa.

  • Daffodil

    "Narcissa used to want to be a Muggle princess, like the ones in the fairytales Andy secretly read to her. Druella broke her tiara when she was six." / 20 things you never knew about Narcissa Malfoy.

  • Castle

    Sometimes she cries, for those who die in her walls. / drabble.

  • Teaching, A Guide By Professor M McGonagall

    Why Hogwarts parents' evenings were scrapped, why Minerva McGonagall was eternally grateful, and exactly why no one since has dared to asked her what the point of Transfiguration is.

  • Order of Merlin, First Class

    When Patience Pettigrew received a finger - just that, a finger - in return for her son's life, she did not cry.

  • dead

    Did it make her less of a mother if she, in all her glory, lived? / freeverse.