Partridge On A Pear Tree

  • totally new feeling (burning inside over and over)

    /Hidaka, being an honest guy, had distrust written all over his face when it came to Fushimi-san… but now he said he wanted to get along with him, huh…/Hidaka Akira x Fushimi Saruhiko. Inspired by the movie, 'A Very Special Love'.

  • Zilch

    Maybe he fell in love. ReiSaru Drabble.

  • Hang In There

    That certainly didn't sound like a question. Yuuya chuckles again, and as he expects, he receives another sharp jab to the gut. "What do you know?" Mild depiction of violence. Iwamine Shuu & Sakazaki Yuuya. Oneshot.

  • What Happened Last Night?

    "What is the last thing that you can remember?" "Um… I guess when I had… d-danced… as if the floor was mine." Ugh. That was so embarrassing. Seriously, the effects of alcohol. ReiSaru. Oneshot. What happened last night though?

  • Brownie Mosaic Cheesecake

    "Uwah! Seriously, Kuroh?" Shiro didn't even bother to hide his evident happiness as he eyed the plate with such hungriness that even Neko would be put to shame. "Thank you very much! I didn't think that you would know!" ShiroKuro. Oneshot.

  • Why Didn't I Take Your Hand?

    I'm sorry for putting it so bluntly like that. But then again, you said that that's who I am, right? I've always acted before thinking – I hate thinking – because I rather trust my gut. I rather do things impulsively, in the spur of the moment. That is the very reason why I lost you. Semi AU where Saru's betrayal went a little differently. MiSaru. Oneshot.

  • A Tsundere's Valentine

    Yata Misaki seriously doesn't know why he's doing this. He grumbled, placing his hands in his pockets as he peeked from store to store. Tomorrow seems to be Valentine's Day, and it was a custom to give out chocolates. Normally, it would just be the girls giving out chocolates for the guys, but he can't be bothered. SaruMi. Oneshot.