
  • Sporks and Wives 2: Hogwartian Sue-galoo

    First, you take a brilliant humanoid alien with two hearts and a time machine. Then add a beautiful, yet dangerous archaeologist. Thirdly, add two wizarding students with incredible intelligence and the perfect cover. Finally, place them all in the same magical castle. Those poor Mary Sues don't stand a chance. Crossover between Sporks and Wives, and Elementary my dear Goyle.

  • Sporks and Wives: The Sue Hunt

    Across all Universes, a threat has been spreading from a realm unknown, and it is up to The Doctor and River Song to save not just their timeline, but everyone's... Parody fic, with multiple crossovers including but not limited to Harry Potter, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, etc. Completed, sequel up!

  • Elementary, my dear Goyle

    People think Crabbe and Goyle are dull, unintelligent, and slow, good only as intimidation and dumb muscle. People couldn't be more wrong. After all, what better place to be undercover than at the side of one of Hogwarts' shadiest students? Year 1 Fic. Inspired by Sherlock Holmes, not a crossover.

  • Extra Time

    Sequel to Extra Life (both are OneShots). After confiscating the Saruman's Palantir from Pippin, Gandalf discovers that it can be used as a much, much easier way to access a familiar place... Unfortunately, the death a certain Steward's son has left the Void in an uproar, and someone with nefarious intention seems to have their Eye on the place...