
  • Save Me

    Rin is being bullied at the regular school because of his demon features. Something inside him snaps one day and he's driven to the point of suicide. Will Yukio be able to save him in time, or will he be too late? Another dark little one-shot, but I promise it's a little cute at the end. YukioXRin. Read and review?

  • A Demon's Heart

    Mephisto had once said something to Rin about the demons manner, where they hide their tails and their hearts. Rin didn't quite understand what that meant, though when a new girl shows up at the cram school, he will finally know why it was important for demons to hide their hearts... NOT an OCXCharacter, however OC's will be present. RinXAmaimon (maybe) YukioXShiemi.

  • Unexpected

    "Back then, I felt kinda relieved... Almost like, it was ok for me to die..." Eren slowly looked up to see Mikasa's shocked look. He couldn't bear to see the pain in her eyes, so he looked away. "... I don't feel that way now." That was one of the biggest lies he's ever told, but who could ever expect the happy Eren to be suicidal? Only one person can, who feels the same way

  • Kidnapped

    News of a demon boy gets out to a certain informant, and for someone who doesn't believe in that kind of stuff, it's unbelievable. When he sees him with his own eyes, he's actually rather pleased. But why? What could he possibly do with the demon boy? Meanwhile, the demon boy's twin brother won't let his brother be taken away without a fight. No pairings (yet) R&R please

  • REWRITE: Betrayed

    As the title says, this is a rewrite of one of my older stories called "Betrayed". This is pretty much copied and pasted, but it is edited and written more in depth. Anyways, the summary: One night Maka comes home only to get attacked by her partner Soul! Apparently, the voices are telling him to kill her. She rushes to Kid's house to safety, but will she be able to escape Soul?

  • REWRITE: Stronger

    This is exactly what the title says! Now... It is honestly just a copy-pasted version of the original 'Stronger', however I added more dialogue and in some cases, I'll add more scenes and go more in depth :) So by all means, come on and give it a try! I promise it won't bite X3

  • How Could This Happen to Me?

    Based from the music video of Untitled by Simple Plan. Who knew that one car accident could kill someone you love in the blink of an eye? Who would have thought that SHE would be taken away from me, just like that? AU-ish.. YukioXShiemi. Sorry the summary sucks, but still read and review? :3