
  • Shadow and Stars

    After a few years of blissful marriage, Will and Tessa are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child when a new evil arrives in London and begins to wreak havoc on not only the shadowhunters but the Herondales specifically. Mature, as there will be some sex scenes, but shouldn't contain anything darker/ scarier than the books.

  • Slow Burn - A Zutara Story

    It's been three years since Aang lost his battle to the Fire Lord. Katara now works in a refugee camp in the earth kingdom, where she's been accepted solely based on her ability to heal. The world has become dark and brutal, and just when Katara is about to give up hope, the redeemed prince winds up in her life and realizes he might be able to help her heal too.

  • Secret Hollows

    Missing scenes from Catching Fire. Gale helps Katniss reclaim herself after the Games, and the self she reclaims is also interested in claiming him. This was supposed to be a Valentine's Day one-shot, but it's spawned into something more. It's sweet romance turned into other lemony goodness. As always, let me know what you think.

  • Scenes from the Seam

    Written for the prompting Everthorne challenge (which you can check out and join on tumblr), scenes from the Seam showcasing Gale and Katniss's evolving relationship. As always, reviews greatly appreciated.

  • Loving Like Dying

    I'm dipping into darkness here; at first, flirtatiously and then going all the way. Katniss mostly waxing poetic/philosophic on love and death here until she gets burned. Picks up with MJ and is mostly canon-compliant, though I add/expand/imagine a few details and change the very end (because I had to). I'm incredibly interested in reviews and would love to hear what you think.

  • Into the Flames

    "Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!" Having finally made it to District 13, Katniss struggles with her role as the Mockingjay and the rebellion as she learns that war just might be more horrible than the Games. The costs take their toll on her and Gale as they face heartache and turmoil and struggle to save those they love. Reviews greatly appreciated.

  • Changes

    A few years post-Mockingjay, a chance encounter between Katniss and Gale in District 12, but this time told from Gale's point of view. A companion piece to my other story, "Choices." Your reviews are greatly appreciated.