
  • There Are Some Lucky Coincidences

    Hermione saw a blond man near the exit. She frowned, thinking that she knew him. From where she was, she could not see his face. Yet, the way he held himself was familiar. For a second, she thought of Draco Malfoy. But she told herself that it was impossible. It had been almost ten years since she had seen him and it would have been surprising to meet him in a muggle restaurant.

  • The One Feeling That Pain

    The carriage was headed for his destiny. A destiny that Sanji did not want. He put his hand on his face, tears were running down his cheeks.

  • Antidouleurs

    "Kohaku, dit doucement Senku." Elle plissa les yeux pour le regarder. "Senku ?" "Est-ce que tout va bien ?" Elle acquiesça et sourit pour lui montrer qu'elle allait bien. "J'ai juste un peu mal à la tête, mais ça va passer." Il s'accroupit devant elle et la regarda attentivement. Kohaku rougit de cette proximité, mais Senku n'y prêta pas attention.

  • Painkillers

    "Kohaku," Senku said softly. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. "Senku?" "Is everything alright ?"She nodded and smiled to show him that she was fine. "I just have a little headache, but it will pass." He squatted down in front of her and looked at her intently. Kohaku blushed at this closeness, but Senku ignored it.

  • Sasusaku oneshots

    Oneshot 35 - Sakura ouvrit la porte du réfrigérateur et y sortit un plat. Elle regarda attentivement les chocolats de Noël qui y étaient déposés et sourit. Elle voulait faire quelque chose de spécial pour l'équipe 7. Après tout, c'était leur premier Noël en tant qu'équipe.

  • Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?

    The door opened and Sasuke appeared. He was paler than usual and he was coughing. He looked at Sakura, surprised. "Sakura ! What are you doing here ?" She twiddled her fingers nervously. "I came to see how you were doing. There is a flu epidemic, so I was worried."

  • Looks Like You're Jealous

    "Do you know where Juvia is ?" Gray took a sip and Mirajane smiled. He knew that smile. It was the one she had when she played matchmaker. "She's on a mission with Natsu and Happy." Gray almost choked. Why was she with Natsu ?

  • Fleurs

    Cela faisait plusieurs jours que Damian avait remarqué la façon différente qu'avait Anya de se coiffer. En fait, Becky aussi s'était coiffée différemment, mais en ce qui la concernait, Damian ne lui trouvait rien de particulier.

  • Flowers

    It had been several days since Damian had noticed Anya's different way of doing her hair. In fact, Becky also had her hair done differently, but as far as she was concerned, Damian did not think anything special about her.

  • Hearing Your Voice Makes Everything Better

    Sasuke heard his cell door unlock. He could distinguish two voices. His guardian's voice and Sakura' voice. He smiled gently. His only moments of light in this darkness were Sakura's visits.

  • Pourquoi est-ce que tout le monde nous regarde ?

    Eijiro s'assit en face de Katsuki et lui agita son téléphone sous le nez. "Tu ne connais pas la dernière? Demanda-t-il." Katsuki lui écarta le bras et leva la tête vers lui. "J'en ai rien à faire, grommela-t-il." "Midoriya ne t'en avait pas parlé? Demanda Eijiro." Katsuki s'arrêta de manger, soudain intrigué. Qu'est-ce que Deku venait faire là dedans?

  • Bakudeku Stories

    Oneshot 2 - Katsuki's body began to shake. Izuku knew him well and he knew he was shaking with rage. 'You idiot' He said harshly. 'What were you thinking? Can't you wait for the reinforcements to arrive' His breathing was getting stronger. 'You could have died! When I saw you on the ground, I thought I was going crazy, I thought …'

  • Tu veux regarder les étoiles avec moi ?

    'Tu veux regarder les étoiles avec moi ? Proposa Yor.' 'Cela fait des années que je n'ai pas pris le temps de regarder les étoiles., confessa Loid.' Avec les différentes missions qu'il devait accomplir, Loid ne s'intéressait pas à toutes ces petites choses, comme regarder les étoiles. Il avait fallu que Yor et Anya entrent dans sa vie pour qu'il s'y intéresse.

  • Wanna watch the stars with me ?

    "Wanna watch the stars with me ?" Yor asked. "It's been years since I took the time to look at the stars," Loid confessed. With the various missions he had to accomplish, Loid was not interested in all those little things, like watching the stars. He had started to change when Yor and Anya had to come into his life.

  • Construisons un château de sable

    Pour la première fois, Hajime marchait sur le sable et mettait ses pieds dans la mer. Chaque nouvelle expérience mettait le petit garçon en joie et l'émerveillait. Tohru profitait de toutes ses premières fois pour le prendre en photo. Elle prit Hajime dans ses bras et déclara joyeusement : "Construisons un château de sable !"

  • Let's Build a Sandcastle

    For the first time, Hajime walked on the sand and put his feet in the sea. Each new experience made the little boy happy and amazed. Tohru took pictures of all his first time. She hugged Hajime and said happily : "Let's build a sandcastle !"

  • Notre famille

    "Chichi, Haha, joyeux anniversaire ! S'exclama joyeusement Anya. Aujourd'hui, ça fait un an qu'on est une famille."

  • Our Family

    'Chichi, Haha, happy anniversary ' Anya said happily. 'Today we've been a family for a year.'

  • Nalu oneshots

    Oneshot 8 - 'Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe entre Gray et toi ? Demanda Natsu.' Lucy écarquilla les yeux. Il avait été peut-être un peu trop brusque, mais il devait savoir. 'Comment ça ' 'Je t'ai vu sortir d'un restaurant avec Gray.' 'Dis-moi, est-ce que tu es jaloux ' Natsu rougit jusqu'aux oreilles. 'Je ne suis pas jaloux, je suis curieux.'

  • I'm Not Jealous, I'm Curious

    'What's going on with you and Gray ' Natsu asked. Lucy opened her eyes wide. He had perhaps been a little too abrupt, but he had to know.'What do you mean ' 'I saw you coming out of a restaurant with Gray.' 'Are you jealous ' Natsu turned bright red. 'I'm not jealous, I'm curious.'