Eden Evergreen

  • The Second Man

    Several members of a farming village near December are murdered. The Sheriff arrives to find a stranger standing over a badly injured survivor. Surely this stranger must be the killer... right? ... (Set before the anime/manga years... This tale should work reasonably well for either universe, even though the manga's calendar dates are used.)

  • Luida's Lament

    Roughly a decade prior to the beginning of the manga/anime, when Vash left the Seeds ship village... there was a young woman who was reaching toward him as he walked away. Her name was Luida.

  • Milly's Musings

    How might the early days of searching for Vash, finding him, and then stumbling into *gasp* -Wolfwood- have seemed to Milly? One possibility explored, poetically.

  • Touching a Soul, Again

    Post-manga, minor spoilers. Absolute trust may, at times, have unexpected side-effects. That's especially likely when the trust is mutual, and neither party abuses it.

  • Flashback

    When Lina found Vash and took him to her grandmother, why did he tell them to call him "Eriks"?