
  • False Prophet, False Believers

    False prophet, they called it. Them, the voices, who so steadfastly believed the words of a unspeaking god. (Poem inside. TwitchPlaysPokemon made me do it.)

  • Tragic Truth

    Just because You knows they're lying to themselves doesn't mean they don't believe it. (Ficlet centered around WTNV's episode 13 character, You.)

  • Schrödinger's Cat

    Your name is Andrew Hussie, and you are not quite sure how being abducted and killed has thrown you into what is perhaps the stupidest and most important adventure of your life. You ARE sure the Gigapause won't be ending any time soon. (A cracky Pokemon/Homestuck fic, more Poke. Rated M for swears and later violence.) [EOA: Unknown. See profile for more.]

  • Warm Ticking Crates

    A quietly ever expanding mix of all my You related things. Mostly ficlets, drabbles and oneshots that somehow began a actual story with a plot. (Rating increased to M because of harsh curses in Meeting.)

  • Fratricide

    Science is cruel and unusual. You should have known that volunteering for the unnamed test was your first mistake. It all went downhill from there. (Rewatched the game theory video. This happened. Another experimental piece with the WCC at the core.)

  • Paused Indefinitely

    The Player stirs from sleep, overthinking in the emptiness of the LOSAD. (self indulgent oneshot that is a result of writer's block. Content Warnings: slight mentioning of suicide, some cursing.)

  • Crash and Burn

    "I think that one was about to say, 'I love you'." One loses track of time and reason when they're stuck immobile in a incinerator. If only humans weren't so fragile or robots so prone to breaking. (Stupid experiment. Read if you really want to.)

  • Mutual Language

    Eevee the Flareon mets a stranger in his dream on the first he spends in Zone 0. She teaches him how to speak with the voice of their kind. (OFF/Pokemon/Okami)

  • Calling

    The smoke dog leads Hayley to a building in the desert. Something else entirely leads her into the building's dark. (This is the sorry result of attempting to fight writer's block. Finished because idk writing practice.)

  • Burning Plastic

    A stranger comes to Zone 0. (this is so dumb omg)

  • A Product of Unchanging Circumstance

    Just as war never changes, at heart humans never really change either. The bad thing about humans, though, is that unlike war -so open and understandable- you can never really know the real inner thoughts, the motivation behind the stubbornness; you can only guess & pray. (Another poem. Summary is a little off from what the poem itself is about. Also my poems are sort of long.)

  • Similarities in Opposites

    The funny thing about relationships and nuclear war is that somehow, someway, they share something in common.