

  • Sweeter Than Honey

    "I'm not really surprised that you trashed the place... but I am shocked that you were angry enough to yell so much that you'd lose your voice." [For Hiro!]

  • Living On The Edge

    "What is this?" Weiss growled distastefully, turning the can over in her hands and squinting to read the labels. "If this is some kind of energy drink-" [Implied sequel to When Heiresses Drink, doesn't have to be, though].

  • When We Were Young

    "Ah- aaaah, oh gosh oooh my gosh y-you're crying-!" Ruby panicked and quickly threw her backpack off of her shoulders, diving into the front zipper to find the band-aids Yang had given her. But Weiss wiped her face and shook the wood chips out of her hair. "I am not crying," she said loudly. "A Schnee never cries. That's what Papa always says." [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Stealing On The High Seas

    She'd kidnapped the girl in hopes of getting a ransom from her wealthy father, but that wasn't going to be easy if her hostage refused to leave. [Pirate AU].

  • Grateful

    Knowing she had an audience now, Weiss decided to make it worth Blake's wile. The heiress began to sing softly, her voice echoing about the tiled walls of the room, carried out alongside the lapping of the slightly-disturbed water. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • A Chilly Evening

    "You know, there's a better way to keep your neck warm." [Weiss&Blake prompt].

  • Keeping Secrets

    Weiss gasped several times as she tried to gather herself, whimpering as she finally lowered her hands. She could smell the blood, and her stomach churned when she saw it coating her palms. She felt sick. The rustic tang was all too familiar...

  • Camellias

    At first, Weiss had been a little upset at the prospect of an arranged marriage; she had always wanted to fall in love on her own. But her father had said this was the only choice for the family business for various reasons, so she had accepted it a little begrudgingly, trusting that he would choose the perfect future husband for her. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Protecting A Rose

    "Welcome to Beacon," Weiss said with a smile that she had perfected over the years, one that was impossible to tell whether it was genuine or not. Emerald felt the corner of her lip curl up into a faint snarl, but it was almost undetectable. "It's good to be here," she said sweetly. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Habits

    Ruby wished the world could hear her girlfriend's angelic voice, yet at the same time she was selfish and wanted to keep Weiss all to herself. She was very conflicted.

  • Beside

    Weiss kept a watchful eye over Ruby with everything she did. Because she would be damned if anything else happened to her. Weiss couldn't afford to let anything else happen; Ruby was too important, her everything now. [Henceforth AU, White Rose].

  • Darkness Falls

    She knew that once Weiss caught her and killed her, whatever humanity that had been left within her partner would be gone. And yet Ruby did not know what else she could do. And so she ran. [Grimmdark AU. Info inside].

  • Moment of Silence

    She couldn't stop it. The world was crumbling around her and she was useless to prevent it. Her beloved school, her beloved friends- her beloved partner... [Quick drabble inspired by volume 2 trailer].

  • Ships And Harbors

    Ruby is a free spirit, but Weiss is her reason to come home. (Future AU. My 300th fic!)

  • By Any Other Name

    Team RWBY spends their Saturday night playing games. But there are a few questions that are better left unanswered. [Happy birthday, Zoe!]

  • Bad Hair Day

    "Just go…" Yang moaned. "Hah. I'm going bald so, what's the point in me even going to class?" [For Angie. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • A Little Help

    "Ugh! I can't do this! Just kill me now!" Ruby groaned, pushing her chair away from her desk. She glared venomously down at the paper before her; she had written nothing more for this essay than a single measly sentence in the past 2 hours... [For Ash. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Beneath The Moon

    Blake couldn't stop kissing her. For fear of losing her and for joy of loving her, she couldn't stop kissing Weiss.

  • Moving Forward

    You've got to be kidding me... That was the first and possibly only thought that ran through Blake's head when the fire alarms in her apartment complex suddenly went off at 4AM. [For Moongarm!]

  • Fireworks

    Blake's first Vytal Festival. [For Moongarm!]