

  • Blossoms In The Rain

    "Thank you so much. I... I love you too. I've loved you for so long, but I was scared... I've always looked up to you; I just never thought you'd look back." [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • The Great Beacon Egg Hunt

    The students at Beacon Academy were clever, powerful, tactful, driven, goal-oriented, and critical about their educations and missions. Therefore – naturally – everyone took the yearly Great Egg Hunt very seriously. [Easter fic because of reasons. RWBY and JNPR].

  • First Hug

    Ruby flashed her eyes back to Weiss. "Um... would that be... okay? I-I mean do you want me to...?" She asked awkwardly, shuffling her feet a bit. To be honest, she had wanted to hug her partner countless times before for one reason or another, but was always deterred by something at the last second. [[Happy RWBY Tuesday!]]

  • City Lights

    Perhaps the greatest benefit of living so near to the city was getting to see views like these; hundreds of little lights flicked in the distance, stretching across the horizon beneath the blinking stars. She knew the city was alive with sounds and the rushing of wind and the chatter of people, but from here, everything was simply... quiet. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • The Little Things

    RWBY Relationship Week 2! All very short, fluffy one-shots between certain, various pairs I rolled each day. All shipping, all senseless fluff, and all girls. Enjoy! [More details inside].

  • Bets And Regrets

    "I bet you can't go an entire day without lecturing Ruby." [Blake and Weiss make a bet]. Sequel to Self Control. Happy RWBY Tuesday, and happy birthday, Angie!

  • What's In A Name

    Weiss herself never realized when she stopped calling him "Papa". The servants and maids who took care of her more and more frequently referred to him as "your father", therefore it was hardly a conscious decision she started calling him by the same title. [For Chii's birthday!]

  • Thaw

    Ruby lowered her voice again. "If they expelled you... I'd disband the team and leave as well." "You can't!" Weiss gasped. "R-Ruby, becoming a huntress is your dream-" "And it's not worth it if you can't be my partner!" She cried. [RWBY Tuesday].

  • Warm Laundry

    A failed resistance of temptation. [Slight Ladybug].

  • Cat Ears And Coffee

    Ruby watched Blake intently, hoping she was not being a distraction. But the older girl had already gotten lost in the world of her writing. Ruby leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table, putting her chin in her palms. It was so much fun to watch the girl doing what she loved most. [Happy RWBY Tuesday! AU info inside].

  • Oneshot Story

    "I just... don't want to be another chapter in your book." [Bumblebee fluff].

  • Sneezes

    Weiss did not want to miss a second of her children's smiles, so she blinked her eyes open again to watch them. Ruby pulled her closer, tilting Weiss's chin upward toward her lips for a brief kiss. [Future AU, White Rose. Happy Birthday Ami!]

  • Rust

    Whenever Weiss went into town, she always ran into Penny to the point where she suspected it was more than just coincidence. At first, she would mull through those times, trying to drown the girl out as she offered endless compliments about Weiss's hair, her dress, her boots. But at some point, the words had become more endearing than meaningless. [WeissxPenny, aka Cold Hard Cash].

  • Toothaches

    "Honestly! I don't know what you were expecting, Ruby. Eating cookies at two in the morning – and an entire box, at that!" [White Rose drabble].

  • Opposites Attract

    Despite all the teasing and taunting she put the girl through on a daily basis, Yang's intentions were purely out of love. Weiss was like an angel Yang felt she should not be able to touch. And yet here she was, holding her hands and bringing them to her lips for another kiss. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Cramped

    In their haste to get to class on time on the second floor of Beacon, teams RWBY and JNPR had rushed to the elevators... [Prompt: What if RWBY and JNPR got stuck in an elevator?]

  • Love Bites

    "You should nip this nervousness in the bud." Blake explained. "You shouldn't put it off for too long, otherwise you'll both start to feel uncomfortable about how to approach it." [Ruby and Weiss's first kiss.]

  • All Or Nothing

    Valentine's Day. A day where couples exchanged trivial gifts and increased the public displays of affection tenfold. The heiress never imagined that such a celebration could exist. [White Rose and Bumblebee. Happy Valentine's Day!]

  • Two Hearts

    "Weiss now realized what it was she had breathed in on the air that morning; it was the scent of roses." Some wounds cannot be healed by aura alone. [Future AU, White Rose & Bumblebee. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Books And Bunnies

    Velvet loved the library. She loved the silence of the books that never insulted her, loved the scent of the pages and the carpet fuzz, loved the presence of the other Faunus who seemed to gather there for the very same reasons. [Velvet&Blake Faunus friendship. Happy Birthday, Jinn!]