

  • Cherish

    A sacred night, a sacred act, and naught in the world but each other. [Happy RWBY Tuesday!] T or soft M.

  • Prayers

    As Ruby lay baffled on her backside after falling over Weiss's luggage, a spark of clarity lit in her mind. Weiss Schnee. The heiress of the famous company. The girl who had been supposed to die six years ago. [[Happy RWBY Tuesday!]]

  • Air

    Air. From the wind. From the sky. From my lungs into yours. [Roadtrip!AU. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Brighter

    "People fall sometimes, Ruby. They need help getting back up, because sometimes they can't do it alone. That's why we rely on other people. " [Spoilers for V2, ep 6].

  • Whispers

    "Blake, we're worried about you..." All she ever did in her life was push the few people she cared about – the few people who cared about her – away.

  • En Rapport

    Weiss honestly didn't know what to think of Ruby's reaction to her request of venturing off with Neptune that day. And honestly, Weiss herself wasn't entirely sure why she'd even made the request in the first place.

  • The Princess And The Oaf

    "No way. Weiss Schnee's gonna carry me back to Beacon? Oh man, I'm swooning!" "Leaving you isn't sounding like such a bad idea, after all." [Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Softness And Sickness

    To Ruby, it did not seem very many people went out of their way for Blake's sake, and she wanted to be someone special to her. She really liked Blake, probably more than just a friend liked a friend, and even more than a fan liked the creator of her favorite series. So why was Blake late today? [Sequel to Cat Ears And Coffee. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Howl

    The battle consumed them. All of Beacon's finest hunters and huntresses - students, staff, headmaster – none could escape the tendrils of the most terrifying fight of their lives. [RWBY Tuesday. Happy birthday, Jon!]

  • Gold

    A cat, a coincidence, and a childhood friendship brought them together. But just because people come together, does not necessarily mean they will stay that way, for people are fickle, fragile, and foolishly selfless in terms of love.

  • Faunus And Flowers

    A date in a field with nothing to do. [Sun/Velvet].

  • Winter And Summer

    Ruby and Weiss go on a date skiing. And how exactly does Yang confess her feelings for Blake? [For my art/story trade with my friend, Kuro!]

  • Miracle

    After all they'd been through, surely a miracle wasn't asking for too much, right? They'd had their memories erased, been consumed by the utmost despair, watched their friends die, disappear... And then to wake up and find they could all be saved? Surely it was too perfect. [SDR2 spoilers warning, Sondam].

  • Pawns

    Which was the worser fate? To be turned and killed by your fellows? Or to kill the monsters who had once been your classmates with your own two hands? It was all a game to him.

  • Tooth And Nail

    Since their first encounter, she really had changed a lot, and he was more than impressed, more than flattered. He was dumbfounded, that the Schnee Dust Company heiress would risk her reputation and quite possibly her inheritance simply to give him a chance. [Happy birthday, Tsire!]

  • A Little Patch Of Sunshine

    Blake was always so proper and behaved, so much so she put a certain heiress to shame more than a few times. But when she was tired, Blake could become the crankiest grump to ever stomp foot on Remnant. [Bumblebee birthday fic].

  • Tender Moments

    Sunlight was pouring in from the large window between the beds, casting bright light onto the floor where Blake lay; Weiss had discovered early on in their alone time that Blake liked to lie in the sun and soak up the rays whenever she could without being an inconvenience. [RWBY Tuesday, happy birthday, Haley!]

  • Lazy Mornings

    Blake wrapped her arms around Yang and kissed her briefly before flipping back over to do the same to Weiss. The heiress smiled as she pulled away, only to growl as Yang stuck her tongue out at her for being kissed first. Blake noticed the silent argument and sighed. [OT3 Bee's Schnee. Happy RWBY Tuesday!]

  • Planning Ahead

    "Let's play a game!" "A game? Are you serious, Ruby?" If there had been even an ounce of romance starting to blossom in the atmosphere between them, she had just slaughtered it like she did to Grimm in battle. [For Ash! ]

  • Wet Fur

    Blake and Velvet seek shelter from the rain. [Happy Birthday to DarknessReaper424!]