
  • Painted Lies

    Blood thrumming with the living and thundering feeling of his rage he wanted to destroy everything. He wanted to decimate all this and crush this world with flames. He hated all of them.

  • It's Not Your Time

    When things on a run go south and hard decisions are made Daryl sets out to fix things. ONE SHOT [Caryl]

  • Taking Over Me

    [AU No ZA prompt. Mac/OC/Daryl] Holly can't help the things she is thinking despite where she is in her life. She can't help the things she does that lead her straight to where she is. She knew that no matter what they'd end up here anyways.

  • Ends of The Earth

    Set after the events of Season five. Auish Caryl ZA

  • Heat of The Moment

    Season three one shot prompt. Daryl was never with the quarry group. Unlikely circumstances and chance bring him and the group together. [Caryl/Slash] More information inside.

  • Grace Under Fire

    Part of a One Shot Series I've done. This is the fourth piece to go with Fire Storm, With Me Tonight, and Sex on Fire. [AU] [NO ZA] Caryl

  • Giving The Devil His Due

    [Sequel to my Red Canyon story Black Dahlia.] "Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently but the love of a free man is never safe." Picks up shortly after the ending of part one. Dark days and cold nights wouldn't keep him bound this way in this place, he would get out and when he did he would handle everything. He would make sure she was safe, he'd find her.

  • Ride the Lightning

    Mac/OC/Daryl Sometimes the very thing you're scared of doing is the very thing that will set you free. Very M. AU ZA

  • Two Wheels Move The Soul

    Carol meets Daryl and a week they'll never forget or get over transpires leaving them both changed. Life turns into a rollercoaster as they figure everything out together. [Caryl] NO ZA AU I own nothing of the walking dead.

  • Her Dixons

    A multi-shot I was prompted for about the Dixon brothers and Carol. Nothing redeeming about this. Rated VERY M. Takes place around the beginning of season 4. My Merle survived the governor and has both his hands. I'll write for this as inspiration strikes, updates can have good amount of time between them sometimes.

  • Stay With Me

    [Season five] [PWP] Coming into Alexandria things are tense. Daryl isn't coping well and Carol seeks him out to get a better handle on the situation.

  • Sweet Emotion

    Rick tensed wanting to stop and turn and drag Daryl behind him away from these people. He heard the inflection in the mans voice who was calling the shots. Rick walked up the steps knowing that if he stopped it could get him killed, could get Michonne killed, and his son. [Prompt] [Rickyl]

  • Eyes On Fire

    AU [ONE SHOT] Daryl's chest heaved from running so hard trying to burn his thoughts away. Trying to banish them from him and the way he was feeling. He needed to get his head straight before he done something he couldn't take back.

  • Heavy In Your Arms

    Carol could hear them as she ran her vision blurring from the near constant stream of tears that were escaping. Heart pounding as hard as her feet along the concrete she ran for everything she was worth weaving in and around the corridors of the prison. It was like a labyrinth set up to tangle and confuse her - trapping her.

  • Portraits

    The thickness of the woods had grown more prominent as he'd moved silently through them like a wraith. The woods and nature - the outdoors had always called to a place deep in him and he'd felt a calm like nothing else in his life while out surrounded by the world untouched. A world unscarred and harmed by that of humanity and everything it had to give.

  • Echoes

    Tipping the bottle back and taking a long pull as the dark amber liquid burned down his throat he watched. Casting his stones from the dark unknown to her as she smiled talking to them. Another drink and he smiled as some of the whiskey slipped down his chin hitting on his oil stained coveralls. Smoke was thick around him obscuring his face to those around him as he watched...

  • Wolves

    Watching his brother crash to the ground and hearing the shredding of his shirt was nothing that he hadn't seen before. Hell he'd been seeing Daryl bust his ass for years since he was nothing more than a kid but he'd never felt so sick to his stomach in those moments as he did now. [ONE SHOT]

  • I've Already Burned and We're In My Hell

    The room was dark when he walked in and he could hear the cries coming from the man who had been with the girl. The light was bright when he flipped it on and the buzz and flickering as it came to life was almost a precursor...a warning like in the wild. Her eyes snapped closed against the light and she turned her head away in an attempt to shield her eyes. [Prompt]

  • We'll Face It Together

    [Caryl] Takes place after the events of season 5 mid season finale. The pain and anguish of loss can rip the scabs off old wounds making things seem more bleak then they are. Carol refuses to let him dwell and seeks Daryl as they stop for the night. [ONE SHOT]

  • You Scared Me

    Season two one shot based around a picture I seen. Seeing a man take a hit puts things in perspective for you and some times it scares you into focus. A clarity comes with that fear and you grab what you'd once been dancing around.