
  • A New Hope

    You never expect that your life is going to begin when the world is ending, but that's just what it did.

  • Sweater Weather

    Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. (AU)

  • What's Dead May Never Die

    It'd been a long long time since her curiosity had been piqued. Even more so since a mortal caught her very own eye.

  • Of Pomeranians and Wolves

    It was a hard job some days battling wolves, especially when your dad seen them more like ankle biters.

  • Still of The Night

    Season 4. Just after the fall of the prison with the attack of the governor. This is before meeting up with the Claimers. [Daryl/OC] [One Shot]

  • Hot Blooded

    [Caryl] The heat of Georgia has nothing on Daryl Dixon and the way he can make Carol feel.

  • All That I've Got

    Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member. [ZA AU]

  • Take Me Home Tonight

    One Shot. Au with no walkers. Carol is having a bad day and needs a distraction while Daryl gets a call...things come to a head for them both.

  • Double Jeopardy

    Spitting the side the blood splatter painting the wall a crimson threat as his breathing remained even. He didn't respond in fear to the threats being thrown at him and he wouldn't give this cunt the satisfaction of seeing anything even close to it. She hadn't won only caused a reshuffling of the deck. [Prequel to the movie, slightly AU]

  • Wayward Sons

    "You know you have found love when you can't find your way back." This is AU. Being young and surrounded by feuding families can't stop the way you feel. The heart wants what the heart wants even when you know there will be consequences. [Caryl]

  • Things Change, People Change

    Season 3 PWP Rickyl One shot. This is a one shot of Rickyl. I wanted to do something different than I've seen. Lori isn't dead in this she survived but her and Rick's relationship didn't make it through her cheating.

  • A Brother's Burden

    Life can dish some hard lessons and sometimes you bear that weight on your own but sometimes it is easier when you have an extra set of shoulders to spread that weight over. NO ZA. AU...

  • Memories

    Set in the world of my story "Surrendering to the Wind". AU [NO ZA] This is Merle/OC. Takes place three years after the end of Surrendering to the Wind.

  • Playing Dirty

    PWP one shot of SOA/Red Canyon. Happy/OC/Mac Set in seasons one to two of SOA. More details on the inside.

  • Consequences

    Quick One shot. No ZA AU. You don't touch something isn't yours and expect no repercussions from it. Consequences are different for everyone.

  • Come With Me Now

    "Because this is what I believe - that second chances are stronger than secrets. You can let secrets go. But a second chance? You don't let that pass you by" - Daisy Whitney [Daryl/OC][AU] [NO ZA]

  • Burn It Down

    Companion one shot with the Fire Storm, With Me Tonight, Sex on Fire, and Grace under fire series. This is a year or more later after Grace under fire. CARYL

  • Black Dahlia

    The scarlet cross we bear until the bitter end, they can never know just what we've done. This is centered around Mac and my OC Harper from "Heart of A Predator". Expect the usual rape, murder, filth, and general Mac.

  • Beast and the Harlot

    Mac one shot. All of the usual Mac warnings apply: Graphic rape, abuse, language, violence...etc.

  • Heart Of A Predator

    This a prompt for the Reedus one true love challenge. You pick a character he has portrayed and have them show their love in a way that is all their own. You can also find this and all of the other stories being submitted fiction press the "community" tab here on the site. www dot fanfiction dot net/community/Reedus-s-One-True-Love-Challenge/112219/3/0/1/. Don't forget to change