
  • Under Pressure

    Set in season three. A close call has emotions running high. [PWP Caryl Prompt]

  • Fire with Fire

    Prompt for Mac... Mac/OC. An eye for an eye is something Mac was raised knowing and even more than that was fight fire with fire. He'd learned a long time ago though to burn everything to the ground around those against him for the slightest injustice. Very M. Violence, Drugs, Rape, Murder.

  • Dawn of a New Day

    After shit hit the fan and the brothers found themselves at the quarry they still managed to lose their older brother. Unsure whether he's dead or alive they soldier on. The grounding force for each other they crash head first through the world that is left around them. Starts during season 1. Going to follow the time frame loosely with a new twist on the story.

  • Nobody Can Make It On Their Own, Not Anymore

    Season one prompt Daryl/OC. Lines are blurred, things become more clear and things get heated.

  • Animal Attraction

    Daryl is having trouble dealing with his grief and anger over Merle being killed. Takes place after Merle dies, about two weeks. PWP. Promptish type one shot.

  • Take The Long Way Home

    The greatest ironies of life: having the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out that you love someone after that person walks out of your sight. [AU] [NO ZA] Caryl

  • Fiend

    Prompt [PWP SLASH] Very Mature. Warning on the inside. AU [No ZA]

  • Yeah, They'd Be Fine After All

    One shot. Season 4 takes place right as everyone is fleeing from the prison. Escape pairings are changed around. PWP. Very M.

  • Bleeding Sunny Disposition

    Devon's mistakes of lately lead Mac to having to step in. When he does Devon, Mac, Rick, and Tanya are in the caves with the unsuspecting victim. [AU]

  • With a Broken Heart and Straight Face

    Season 3 One shot. For the Brother's Grief Writing Challenge. Daryl deals with Merle's unexpected death.

  • Only Time Will Tell

    [NO ZA] [AU] Prompt. [Caryl] "The very essence of romance is uncertainty." -Oscar Wilde

  • Don't Lie To Me, Ever

    AU [No ZA] Prompt. Merle/OC [pwp]

  • Fortunate Son

    When you lose someone it can be hard to take the pain that you feel when your heart has to break, the memories you keep are all in your mind as you search your soul for more to find. [One shot. NO ZA. AU.]

  • Sins of The Father Run Deep

    After the events of the movie Mac has survives and things take a turn for the worst. A talk turns to a fight that turns to Mac releasing all his pent up aggression, rage, loathing, and disdain on the people around him. [One Shot] Violence, Drinking, Language.

  • Claimed

    PWP AU. VERY M! You've been warned. Carol, Daryl, Merle, OC!

  • Should Be Thankin' You

    Season 3 PWP [Caryl] During the ZA. Carol is frustrated and has a long day. A mix up in schedules and sleepless night all conspire in a chain of events that lead her to Daryl.

  • Feel It Everywhere

    PWP. Mac/OC/Daryl No ZA. Full AU. Very M.

  • Safe and Sound

    Coming up on his sister in-law squaring off with a man the Dixon men react. Short one shot. Written for a friend. AU/NO ZA.

  • Sex On Fire

    Companion one shot to Fire Storm and With Me Tonight. This is before both of those take place. Carol and Daryl have been dating for a bit and this is in that time frame. CARYL Prompt. AU/ NO ZA

  • History Repeating

    During season 2 of TWD Mac gets separated from his twin brother during the fall of the farm. Things move quickly while he sets out to find his brother and handle the problems at hand. Violence and general Mac speak. [Season 2 TWD/RC Prompt]