
  • Sword Art Online - The Black Swordsman and Blue Archer

    I am a killer, a monster and nothing I do will change what I think, yet others don't see me as that, maybe they will help me follow the right road, I hope they do because I am tired of death and all I want is out and I will be taking my family with me home. So lets see if this guild with an Archer, a Rat, a Tamer, a Dragon, an Idiot, can do to save me cause right now I'm falling.

  • Evangelion-Revenge of a Pilot

    The world is destined to end. Everyone knows that but no one knows when. When all hope is lost can a lone Pilot out for revenge save it. can he set aside his vengeance for the sake of the world. can he find the power to save the world. Or will the power consume him. Only time will tell as we simple watch on from above. ShinjixRei T for paranoia

  • Young Justice-The Ghost

    A ghost. That's what I am. I was wronged my family was killed and I want revenge. I was taken and experimented on. I'm free now and I only hope I can kill the man behind all this this pain and suffering before I get myself killed. My name is Alexander Creed and this is my story of revenge this is my legacy I am Yurei. Rated T cuz Im paranoid. Conner/Megan aqualad/Oc Oc/Oc and more