
day dreaming dreamer

  • We'll Be Alright

    "You're alright, Percy." Annabeth struggles to keep Percy from crumbling after his fall.

  • Only Human

    "I love you," Cam says. Risa smiles at him- but it isn't lovingly like he expected. It's a look of faint apology and pity on her lips. A message that she could never truly love him back. Then she's gone. Camus' thoughts on Risa running away and about the infamous Connor. Set at the end of Unwholly. "I know." One sided Risa/Cam. Mentions of Risa/Connor.

  • Don't Mourn The Sun

    "Her body lurched forward, and she rolled her shoulders nervously. Both of her hands rested securely on the railing behind her...Then after a few more seconds of debate, she just let go. Gravity did the rest." Centers on Misa's decision at the end of the anime and manga. Angsty. Possible spoilers.

  • Doctor's Orders

    Nico really loves when he gets sick, only because Will is there to baby him. Will/Nico one-shot.

  • Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl

    "They would always be remembered, but this time, as a hero named Perseus that held up the sky for his beloved named Wise Girl, and Annabeth, a heroine that had saved (countlessly) the boy she called Seaweed Brain." Spoilers for Blood of Olympus. Set after the war. One-shot.

  • A New World

    "Shinigami versus human. A battle for the summit. Ryuk, I'm not done yet. I'll amaze you even more. I'll show you the genius of a new world once again." An alternate ending to Death Note. One-shot.

  • Arivah Davus

    "A-rivah Davuss." "Oliver Davis?" he corrected, trying to stop the pleased smile that was working its way to his lips. "Yes," Mai declared in a sheepish voice. Naru stifled yet another smile. She had been reading his books." Naru/Mai drabble.

  • Now I Know My ABCs

    "The human whose name is written in this coloring book...shall get a boo-boo." Or in which the Death Note gang just started Kindergarten. One-shot.

  • A Thousand Years

    When ten year old Percy Jackson runs away from his abusive foster home, he accidentally stumbles across a dead-not-really-dead girl named Annabeth. When she leads him back to her house, he's rescued by her father Fredrick. As they both grow up together, what starts out as a friendship turns to something much more. A story about life, love, and everything in between. AU, Percabeth.

  • The Talk

    Midna watches Link and Zelda's relationship progress quickly, and decides that it's her best friend duty to have a little talk with Link. You know- THE talk? It seems that casual conversation at lunch time can traumatize two blondes for life. "And how sexual would you say your relationship is?" 'W-what' 'I'll take that as a 'oh my gods, every time we're in the same room.' AU/AH.

  • Just Because

    AU. Everyone knew that Maka Albarn thrived on routine. After gym came lunch, and then came Soul. He was always an anchor to Maka's dependability. Ever since he started teasing her relentlessly in freshman year of high school, the white-haired boy was practically in her laminated schedule. "Why do you have to bother me, Soul?" His red eyes gleamed in amusement. "Just because."

  • Ad Finem

    Ad Finem: To the end; at the end of the page- Augustus is dead. Hazel Grace is far from it. We all know what happened to Gus, but what happened to Hazel afterwards? "There is always an end and beginning, and I think everyone deserves to get one." Epilogue to The Fault in Our Stars.

  • The Broken Clock

    "You know why the broken clock brings you comfort? It's because you are the broken clock. You hurt people because you want them to feel as broken and lost as you are." Percy is abducted by a blonde-haired girl, and instead of hating her, he begins to fall in love with her. Annabeth Chase is going to kill him, and somehow, he can't bring himself to mind that much. Percabeth. T.

  • Live, Listen, Write

    "A song a day keeps the writer's block away."- livingondaydreams. A collection of short, songfic drabbles about the characters. Chapter One: Secrets, One Republic. Variety of characters/pairings.

  • in blankets of red

    "Percy pressed his lips against Annabeth's moments later. They were warm, and when he finally pulled away, his own lips were stained with her blood. She blinked in response, closing her eyes as coughs wracked her body. The blanket of red buried her and she felt herself slipping away from her own body. Slipping away from Percy. All she can see is red." Character death.

  • Math

    Mai is having trouble with math. Who better to ask for help than her intelligent, narcissistic boss? "Mai, you're incapable of learning." Mai's cheeks tinted red, her brown eyes glinting dangerously. "Well, maybe you're incapable of teaching!" "Or maybe you are just an idiot." Mai/Naru. One-shot. Humor.

  • PunKtuality

    "Annabeth,' Percy calls, mustering up all the courage he has. She turns partway, eyeing him curiously. 'I love the new look,' he mumbles, trying to sound flirtatious and cocky, but it comes out tumbled and jumbled, like he just swallowed a fly." In which Percy Jackson notices Annabeth's sudden use of eyeliner, black lipstick, and leather jackets. Preppy!Percy. Punk!Annabeth. AU!

  • Illusory

    "Monsters are real. They live inside of us. And sometimes, they win." Dark Link and Link centric. (Ocarina of Time)

  • Ships Passing in The Night

    "They were just two ships passing in the night. Nothing more, and nothing less." L's reaction to the news of Naomi's suicide. L/Misora drabble.

  • So Smile

    "So smile, because even the brightest smiles can hide the darkest secrets." AU, oneshot.