Lack of Tact

  • Literally in Hell

    Before receiving a wild job offer no one could refuse, Weyland Lemming was just your average narcissistic, pessimistic American... it just so happened that he ran into the one narcissistic, pessimistic thing that makes him want to pull his hair out. Enter Roxanne Wolf, surprisingly his only key to survival in the Pizzaplex. Rated T - M (tags: suspense/survival/pos!romance idfk?)

  • Alex Rigger: Cyborg Pirate

    "The pirate... they say we steal, plunder, and rape innocent women... I can tell you, honestly, the last part is not true." Meet Alex Rigger, a pirate turned Vault Hunter. Here's his story on how he met up with three others... and changed the world of Pandora... "Not dramatically of course! I'm too bleedin' awesome for that." Rated M for reasons. Pandora, look out.

  • Rules for a Horrible Avatar

    When an Inter-dimensional traveler, who happens to be the Avatar, enters Aang's dimension, he may or may not screw over everybody. So, he has written himself down a few (hundred) rules to follow, things he needs to fix, and baby mommas he needs to talk to. It's not his problem though, he's pushing it all on his future self. Rated M for swears and idiotic rules.

  • Virtue of the Changelings

    What does it take to save a whole race, while defending your own? A colt who has no idea on what's happening that's who. Meet Virtue, our young protagonist who is more likely to die than save the Changelings from extinction. Oh well though. Will it all lead to the worst betrayal of them all? Or will both races live in harmony? Rated T... for Teeness?

  • Trimmed Apples

    What if Applejack had never left Manehatten as a filly? Would it change who she was? Of course it would. Now, as a respectable Manehattenite, she is encouraged to visit her actual family in the small town of Ponyville. In her visit, she will meet perhaps the strangest group of ponies she will ever know and come to... can't say love really, more like hold in high regard. Rated T

  • The Royal Pains

    In this series, Cake Mix, our unlucky mane character, switches bodies with ALL of the royals in the show. In this series of one-shots, Cake here finds many reasons why being royalty sucks. Whether it's weddings, being forced to attend Nightmare Night, feeding an entire race, raising from the dead, or even becoming Twilight! What luck he has. Rated T for... Teeness?

  • Electrical Issues on the Apple Farm

    Gaige, transported to Equestria via death, is certainly going to lose her mind. Everything is so damned colorful! For a bit, things are all right... but after a while, thing's need to spark soon or Gaige is going to smash, and as of now, Gaige officially hates colorful ponies... Possible (in)direct sequel to 'THE KRIEGIE PIE HORROR SHOW'. Rated M because of swearing and shit.

  • Alex Rigger: Pirates in the Wastes

    "I grew up in one of them Vaults too, 21 I believe. Now, before ya'll go gibbering on about what yer hurtin for, what was Vault 11 like?" His reply? "Shit." Meet Alex Rigger, one of the only surviving members of Vault 11. After meeting with a certain Courier, things are going to change in the Wasteland. "Not dramatically 'a course, I'm too bleedin' awesome for that!" Rated M

  • The Foods Family Interview

    This is what happens when you shove a computer in your brain, and melt it down with caustic milk. This is the absolute worst idea ever, yet I still like it! Meet the Foods family, a seemingly not normal at all family, that has absolutely every secret there is to hide. Yup, totally normal, well, an interviewer decides 'hey, Imma go ask them questions ' totally a bad idea. Rated K

  • Cake's on Crack: Shit Happens

    Basically a more mature version of my Cake is Better Burned series. If you want a what-the-fuckery type of thing, well this is it. There is absolutely NO seriousness of any kind in my CoC series, heh, if you want something like that, probably not a good idea to read anything by me. Oh well, time for the summary: Ice cream, at its finest. Nah, ice cream can be a total dick actually.

  • Pirates In The Wastes

    A malfunction in all the world's Nuclear Power plants had happened, causing a mass of radiation to seep out across the planet. After 80 years of endless hell and death, it all stopped. Leaving behind a ruin of the Earth we once knew. It was then, when the survivors of the damage formed clans, and tribes. Cities were remade, cities like New Denver and Nexus Seattle. (Read Inside)

  • Cake Is Better Burned 4: The Grand Galloping Disaster

    In this series, Cake Mix, our unlikely protagonist goes through a series of unfortunate events. That YOU decide! He can fail at romance, job interviews, small things, or even world shattering events! In this episode, Cake, accompanied by Spike, go with the girls to The Grand Galloping Gala. Things aren't going to end well. Rated T for... Teeness?


    When a stallion, who knows nothing of the outside world, has to leave his Stable to find something that will ultimately help everypony, he can succumb to anything. Madness, anger, regret, even death. The wasteland is an unforgiving place, but it gives back. All of the hate, insanity, and murder. It. Gives. Back. Rated M for murder, gore, sex, drug usage, and alcohol consumption.

  • I Can Feel Everything

    A batch of homemade acid, a Changeling removing all sense of emotions, and just critical failures at earning a cutie mark. That's the whole story on Melting Point, Cake's alter-ego. Now, the thing is, he doesn't enjoy what he does, he also doesn't hate it, but that's not the point, the point is, don't play with acid my little ponies, you're pretty much bucked. Rated T for reasons.

  • aMnESia: What Is Friendship

    "I have opened my doors to demons, devils, and all Hell... And I have no idea who I am because of it. My friends... or my acquaintances? They called me something... Dash, I think it was... I am Dash... Or At least I think I am." Follow 'Dash', a mare trapped within her own mind, as skeletons she thought she buried deep in the closet haunt her. Her descent into madness. Rated M.

  • Cake Is Better Burned 3: Cutie Mark Calamity

    In this series, Cake Mix, our unlikely protagonist goes through a series of unfortunate events. That YOU decide! He can fail at romance, job interviews, small things, or even world shattering events! In this episode, Cake is interrogated by the CMC to get his Cutie Mark Story. Now Cake isn't an all bad dude, but it's obvious he's hiding something. Rated T for... Teeness? RnR!

  • Cake Is Better Burned 2: Friendship Is Magical Induced Seizures

    In this series, Cake Mix, our unlikely protagonist goes through a series of unfortunate events. That YOU decide! He can fail at romance, job interviews, small things, or even world shattering events! In this episode, Cake meets the Mane 6, and at first. Things seem alright! That is until an old Alicorn from the past shows up. Will his luck ever get better? Rated T for Teeness? RnR!

  • Cake Is Better Burned 1: Don't Maud off to Me

    In this series, Cake Mix, our unlikely protagonist goes through a series of unfortunate events. That YOU decide! He can fail at romance, job interviews, small things, or even world shattering events! In this episode, Cake meets and falls in love with Maud Pie, Pinkie's older sister. Will he succeed? Or fail? You decide! Rated T for well... Teeness? RnR! Cover by Drop The Act.

  • Two Worlds

    Sequel to "The KriegyPie Horror Show" It's been few days since Krieg & Geirk arrived in Equestria, and one night they are separated, mind and body. Neither knows what happened, and only Krieg can bring the two together once more. Will Krieg accept he no longer has that inner voice, or will he go to lengths trying to put Geirk in control. Rated T, may change later.