
but seriously

  • take the bit between your teeth

    It starts at Slughorn's first party at the end of the first month of their first term and it's because Harry, miraculously, comes out first in Potions. Hermione is hellbent on a crusade for justice, and she's taking Tom with her whether he likes it or not. / Tomione, No Time-Travel, Golden Trio Era

  • on fire, bone sore

    It's difficult, she finds, trying to swallow that resentment that had built up in the four-hundred something days that have gone by without a single word from him. She sinks into it, doesn't think. For once in her life she doesn't fucking think. "Your tie. Take it off." / tomione, no time-travel

  • an atom in a sea of nothing

    He takes after an uncle he's never met. [klaus/caroline, elijah/hayley, rebekah, ensemble.]

  • If I pray really tight, get into a fake bar fight

    She leans in close, suckles on his earlobe. "You couldn't ruin me if you tried." klaus/rebekah/stefan in the 20's.

  • white, white noise

    So they bury Katherine, and life goes on. / klaus/caroline, bonnie, elena, katherine, tyler. POST 5x11

  • a mouthful of interludes

    Maybe she wanted to see the sun set one last time. Maybe she wanted to see one last sunrise. / or, Caroline leaves town.

  • In the corner of Maple and Vine

    "Our brother's a vampire and you wake the dead. There, I said it. Nobody's running for the hills. Nobody's coming at us with pitchforks." "It's the 21st century, Bekah. They'd use rifles." — or, the one where Rebekah exploits mug tricks for extra tips, Klaus is a passive-mostly-aggressive piemaker, and Caroline just wants to know why Klaus refuses to touch her. PUSHING DAISIES AU.

  • well, you cured my january blues

    And it's cool, you know, they dance. Decade dances, the ones with romantic music tangling in her hairspray curls, silk fingers warming inside his calloused hands, ornate necklaces, perfect little pocket squares, arms bumping, hips swaying. Barely touching.

  • you can get what you want (or you can just get old)

    "Let's rule the world," Katherine says, and scribbles a date in her Filofax in permanent red. / katherine, caroline, rebekah, with some klaroline & koroline.

  • take me to the finish line

    "No, no, no," Stefan says, and he's clutching her closer. Remember this, he whispers into her hair. Remember this, remember this.

  • this town is colder now, i think it's sick of us

    "Pull the trigger," he says. He's not on his knees, but he might as well be praying. [klaus/caroline, tyler, stefan, bonnie, elena, damon]

  • all those friendly people

    Rebekah sneaks out of a press conference one day, leaving Finn furious, Elijah amused, Stefan bored, and him with all the questions. They hound, they squabble for their turn, they gnash at scraps, they turn their noses up at his weary, pre-approved answers. They ask about Caroline. Christ, he needs a drink. — rival musician au, FOR MELISSA

  • melt me down into big black armour

    "You feed or you die. You're hungry, I can hear it rushing in your veins, I can smell it in the sweat trickling down your back. You feed or you die—and it won't be starvation that takes you." It will be me, she doesn't say. And she doesn't smile. [GENDERSWAP]

  • fall in, fall out, fall along

    It's not his duty to linger, but he does. "I wonder how much of the world you've seen."

  • at home with a ghost

    "You speak of souls as though we actually had one." Rebekah, Elijah, and their plight to get their brothers back from the Other Side while Klaus remains steadfastly against all of it. [klaus/caroline, elijah/rebekah, originals love, silas] FOR ANNE.

  • an equation heavensent

    There is a girl on the train, and she looks hungry.

  • cause these lights won't kill me now

    "But you were always there," he continues as if she hadn't finally spoken. "In my sheets. Do you know how languorous you smell? How you linger? I was walking around 445 Lafayette Street one evening and when I looked up I saw the city as you saw it. Everything was on fire." AU/AH

  • and we shed what was left of our summer skin

    "You're going to kill me?" Except it doesn't sound like a question. [klaus/caroline, rebekah, elijah]