Yamino Tenshi 202

  • Hope

    Steve was forever running, the Creepers forever chasing him. It wasn't as though he had a choice. By NOTch himself, he was going to die. Like Damn, he was going to go without trying to survive. (Starring: Herobrine, Steve?, The Enderdragon, The Wither, Ghasts, Creepers, Endermen, and NOTch)

  • Creation Myth

    Book 1: Running from the Shadows was all he ever wanted to do, and the Other Yuugi knew that he would never succeed. When Mutou Yuugi solved the Puzzle, his other self was so thankful that he served the boy to the best of his ability. The very best, in whatever way he saw fit. No matter who stood in his way.

  • At the Helm

    The boy seemed sincere, thoughts in paucity; And the Once-ler wondered when on Earth he/ Changed from a Once-ler into The Once-ler. He turned to the boy to whom he'd defer.「I will call you by my Whisper-ma-Phone, for the secrets I tell you are for your ears alone.」- Greed-ler/Once-ler, Once-ler/Lorax

  • Borderline Arc II: Turn

    Danny looked up. The person, the boy that floated about three feet in front of him had the same voice as the one that had spoken in his head before. He had a black Hazmat suit with white gloves, belt, boots and accent about his neck. An exact opposite of him. "Phantom?" And the blood around them fell and Danny was stuck looking at eyes of fire.

  • Anniversary

    For ArashiWolfPrincess: Anniversaries are days of memory, to hold the loved ones close. Whether for naught or point, may they give the heart fire. A passion to burn and not for it to flee. The first is the anniversary of how they met. (Pitch Pearl) The second, an anniversary of two that realized they only needed each other. (Pompous Pep)

  • Who's Afraid?

    (Part 6 of "Lark and Nightingale") Fear wasn't the solution any-more, Pitch realised. It was a problem, because his love for Jack was proving to be dangerous for them both. The fear that Jack did not love him... It was paralysing.

  • Appetite

    There was only so much time for them to have in the tent together. Timaeus looked to his eye and back up to Critias. There was an emotion that the younger knight could not read, one that twisted his heart. With that, Timaeus grabbed his articles and left the tent, leaving Critias to wonder if he had made the right decision. (TimaeusxCritiasxHermos)

  • Dare Not Speak Its Name

    Part 5 of "Lark and Nightingale": Jack and Pitch have been keeping their relationship a secret, but neither of them could have known that their secret could have grown into something so passionate, so uncontrollable, that it could cause one of the greatest Pains to emerge from within? Or, perhaps, from the Guardians?

  • The Relationship

    Relationships are based on three things: intimacy, commitment, and passion. The closeness, the loyalty, and the burning fire of souls connecting. (Jack x Pitch - Part 4 of "Lark and Nightingale")

  • Under the Shade

    Part 3 of "Lark and Nightingale": Pitch has many thoughts while in the shade, especially thoughts of a frost spirit that visited him not too long ago seeking assistance. "Heartless" from Pitch's perspective.

  • Heartless

    Part 2 of "Lark and Nightingale," 3 months prior: In the beginning, there were two. After a while, they were one and couldn't imagine a division between them having ever occurred. (Jack Frost x Pitch Black)

  • Lark and Nightingale

    He vaguely wondered why he woke up in the dark at all... If his only purpose was to suffer. "It's… A memory. That's how it starts. The memory of when I first woke up… When I was born like this." As Jack Frost. Not Jackson Overland Frost. The change in his name was not large, but it made impact with his heart as something he could not get back.