• Codex Ashleyensis Primus

    Rumours started spreading over the summer. Dumbledore, it seemed, had somehow managed to find the most ancient magical book known.

  • Cathy Mick

    The Death Eaters' first victim. Who she was, why she was killed... how she triumphed over her enemies.

  • The Long Shadow

    Sitting in the long shadow of war, an old warrior and a young one reflect on the coming war, on death, and on love.

  • A Raid

    Aurors have to deal with unpleasant things and nasty people. A day in Tonks' life.

  • The Dark Star

    Professor Dumbledore finally gets to hear the secret of Mrs. Zabini's many marriages. And the truth is unexpected... beautiful... and terrible.

  • Prelude to a Hearing

    The war is over. Its heroes and villains now just want to get on with their lives - but that is not so simple, is it?

  • The first Nymphadora

    It could have been a better world. A champion might have arisen, to face and destroy the Dark Lord before he corrupted all wizardkind. So why did one not?

  • The uses of a Bonnie Tyler and Meatloaf album

    Jim Steinman's music has two very unlikely fans...

  • Why I wasn't here last night

    One night, Harry Potter just had enough. He stormed out of the Dursleys' home and just kept walking...

  • Strange encounter

    A young woman is lost and freezing in a lonely, deserted moorland railway station in northern England. Then, out of nowhere, a big, dramatic, red steam engine appears... A songfic on Abba's EAGLE.

  • My father: an episode from the first Voldemort war

    You may not believe the end of this story. There are evils of which we like to think we are not capable...

  • Nobler than my father

    Cleo Malfoy loves her family. And they are quite fond of her. But she is a thoroughly good person, and the rest of them, to put it mildly, are not. Sooner or later, she is going fo suffer for it...

  • Second chance

    A tender-hearted werewolf. A lonely exile from a distant land. More love, loss and dark secrets than you can imagine!

  • The unexpected kiss

    Follows on from WHAT MADE TRUE LOVE RUN SMOOTH and ONE LITTLE WHITE FLOWER. Cleo Malfoy: beautiful, sweet, but silly. Hermione Granger: nice, but bossy and the bookworm of bookworms. How can they possibly be friends?

  • One little white flower

    Follows on from WHAT MADE TRUE LOVE RUN SMOOTH. What do you do with a girl who has suffered hideously and is near to suicidal despair? Sometimes it takes very little to help... sometimes it takes no more than one little white flower.

  • What made true love run smooth

    Draco Malfoy has a sister - who is unlike him in every respect. One Slytherin sees her and falls head over heels in love with her - just before someone else makes her suffer terribly...

  • Strange Days : Dorcas Malfoy

    Nobody else will ever experience a deeper and more all-encompassing betrayal. Everything she had believed turned out to be false; and the world waited to punish her for things she had never regarded as crimes. The story of a life turned upside down.

  • Strange days the first night

    The Dark Lord is dead. But he has left behind the legacy of an incredibly cruel spell, that will haunt all the residents of Hogwarts for many a year to come...

  • Gay bar

    Postwar angst

  • The flesh and blood of the house of Malfoy part 2

    So Lucius got the woman he wanted - certain legal impossibilities notwithstanding. But what about Lord Voldemort? You don't just declare allegiance to the mightiest sorcerer in the world and forget it... as Lucius and his love are about to find out.