Yemi Hikari

  • Forced Step

    After Regulus' and Olivia's reveal, Orion takes off as there is something he has to do.

  • Fleeing the Unwantedness

    Evan promises Regulus everything will be okay, yet knows his best friend needs medical attention after what happened between Regulus and Barty.

  • Homelessly Searching

    Regulus is searching, trying to find them. Sirius is unaware that he is searching. At least to a point.

  • All Wrapped Up

    Sirius and Regulus wrap presents.

  • Snowballs Chance

    Years pass after Orion, and Walburga gives Snowball to Regulus and the family he's trying to make.

  • First Stepping Stone

    After Christmas, Orion slowly comes to terms with what happened, what Regulus revealed to the family.

  • Stepping Into a Nightmare

    Regulus and Olivia knew they were stepping into a nightmare, the hope being to

  • Leaping Black

    Walburga knows who pranked her brother Cygnus.

  • Not Our World: Christmas Cat

    Regulus - in this world - has something important to tell Sirius.

  • Staying With Sirius for Christmas

    Regulus comes to stay with Sirius after getting out of St. Mungos as that is what Orion thinks is the best thing for his youngest, but Sirius wants to know what Regulus wants for Christmas.

  • Goosed

    Sirius hadn't expected Orion to show up with a Christmas Goose.

  • Not Our World: Champagne

    War is over, yet things are still broken, although there are changes to the world, a world different than the canon timeline.

  • Orange Fluff

    Regulus is delighted when Hermione brings home Crookshanks.

  • Plush It Out

    Sirius attempts to reconnect with his brother after Regulus ends up at St. Mungos due to his mental state, among other things.

  • Three French Hen, a Pidgeon and a Rabbit

    Regulus didn't realize the three french hen and pidgeon would ambush him about heir duties after Sirius ran away.

  • Touch the Clouds

    Regulus tries to touch the clouds, always knowing he can't reach them.

  • Turtle Doved Out

    In Doris mind, they were a perfect pair of turtle doves. (And Doris Purkiss and Stubby Boardman since there aren't character tags for them yet.)

  • Understairs

    Under the stairs is a locked cupboard in the house Alisha rents, that she passes every day on the way to what turned out to be a nine-to-five kind of job. One day, she finds it unlocked only for the door to close and lock behind her, the light going out. What happens next is not what she expected. (Open Novella 2022)

  • Not Our World

    In fixing up the Granger home before returning her parents memories, Hermione comes across the antique mirror in the attic, only to find herself in a world where she's back to being eleven, but this time around she's the child of a single mother, no father in sight.

  • Are You Sirius?

    She wished... She wishes she could be anywhere, but there, though ending up in one of her favorite fandom always seemed like an ideal anywhere. Yet, instead of ending up anywhere, one sixteen, almost seventeen-year-old Sirius Black ended up there, in her world instead, with sixteen-year-old her with all the things about herself that she hated. Of course, Sirius Black is