

  • All Out Of Love

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "I don't think it's love."

  • The Secret Admirer Who Wasn't

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "I may have been admiring you not so secretly."

  • Playing Dress Up

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "I'm all for dressing up… but, how do you wear this?"

  • Lonely Hearts Parade

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "I've never had a Valentine."

  • The Living Room Florist Shop

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "Who did you get all these roses for?"

  • Teddy Bear Decapitation

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "So, he got me a teddy bear, but we fought and he tore off it's head."

  • Chocolate Hater

    Valentine's Day Tumblr Prompt: "I don't even like chocolate."

  • Even Heroes Need Saviours Sometimes

    The Thallen Chronicles (Part 2): With Hartley Rathaway on the loose again, Barry makes it his personal mission to hunt him down and save him from himself. When his life is put in danger, he receives help from someone who's avoided him for months.

  • No One's Here To Sleep

    When he sees the news, it takes him a few moments to register why the name repeated by the reporter seems familiar. He immediately tries calling Connor but it goes straight to voicemail. A sick sense of dread curls in his stomach as Oliver learns about the murder that will change everything.

  • Rogue Rescue

    When Blaine gets kidnapped by a pair of rogue bastards, Sebastian and Barry work together with the police and STAR Labs to find and rescue him - and take those jerks down.

  • Trapped

    The Thallen Chronicles (Part 1): When The Flash attempts to save Detective Thawne's life, Eddie refuses because he thinks The Flash will kill him. His procrastination gets them both trapped after an explosion.

  • Shatter

    When Barry hears the news about Oliver, he's in the middle of processing a crime scene.

  • Trumpets

    He freezes when a familiar voice booms out of the sound system hidden in the corners of the pub; "Blaine Anderson, this one's for you."

  • The Tie

    Blaine's hands lingered a bit too long after straightening Sebastian's blue & red striped tie.

  • Under My Skin

    If there was one person who could get under Blaine's skin it was Sebastian.

  • Even With Your Dark Side

    Sebastian sang softly into Blaine's ear, a song that he recognized immediately.

  • Unhappy Gas

    He starts to feel drowsy; the effects of the anaesthesia working fast but all he can think about is Sebastian Smythe.

  • Quiet Time

    Sometimes, with no rhyme or reason that Blaine could figure out, Sebastian would come home and his hair would be a mess and his eyes would be wild and his breathing would be ragged. Sometimes, Blaine just needed to hold Sebastian together before he fell apart.

  • Newlyweds

    There was something so serene, Blaine thought, basking in the sun and wading lazily in the Bondi Beach Pool with his newly-wedded husband.

  • After The High Line

    A collection of drabbles prompted via Tumblr which loosely connect with the events in 'The High Line'.