

  • Cold Holidays

    Blaine loves Sebastian, but he hates Sebastian's tolerance to the cold.

  • The High Line

    High above the streets of New York City, Blaine begins to process the events of the night before and grieve for what he's lost as a result of an unexpected encounter.

  • Some Security and Two Heartbeats

    GKM Fill. Sebastian watches Blaine at the counter, eyeing the way Blaine holds each of their coffee cups. He's been waiting what feels like an age but Blaine seems entirely oblivious, smiling and even laughing – laughing – with some other guy at the counter. Is Blaine cheating on him?

  • un souhaitable derrière (A Desirable Behind)

    GKM Fill (AU). Sebastian's first words had shown he had a thing for Blaine's ass. A series of snapshots where Sebastian's obsession is clear.

  • The Witness To Your Fragmented Mind

    When he opens the door at 6am and sees someone he'd once cared for too much, he's not sure what to do. He doesn't know how to comfort someone who's falling apart in front of him - but he also knows he can't turn Connor away.

  • Hard Day's Night

    It's been a long day at the office and all Sebastian could think about was going home to cuddle up with Blaine, letting his worries and frustrations seep from his skin with warm kisses and gentle touches. The reality ended up being so much better.

  • Friendly Competition

    When Sebastian discovered he wasn't very good at Mario Kart, he became determined to find ways which made Blaine lose.

  • Beach Exposure

    Blaine is taken to the beach by Sebastian, but they don't quite go to the sort of beach he expects...

  • A Million Varieties

    It hasn't even been five minutes but already Blaine has been alternating between breaking up with Sebastian and breaking off his balls.

  • A Day Like Any Other

    It was a day that started like any other, and yet it was a day that everything in the past changed, and when the future began to be re-written. A mirrored story told from two opposing perspectives.

  • Not A Bad Thing

    He couldn't tell you when he first realised he regretted his words and actions that had led to this point, but he had a pretty good idea that it had everything to do with the moment that rose petals were falling from the top of the spiral staircase in the main entry and he was fighting against the urge to revisit his breakfast.

  • Party All The Time

    Seblaine Week 2014: Day 4 (Free Day). They've just won Sectionals over the reigning Nationals champions, so he should be celebrating with his teammates. It's hard to celebrate though when the object of your year-long infatuation shows up, apparently determined to get drunk off his perfectly perky ass.