
  • His Convenient Marriage

    Victoria Sullivan knew that when Julio Sanchez proposed marriage it wasn't out of love: he needed a wife to keep custody of his foster son, Mark. Finding herself in a similar impasse, she accepted...also because Julio stirred her dreams. But with their days together numbered, would the spark ignite a fire, and lead two lonely hearts home?

  • Baby I think I'm gonna marry you

    Watch me, Ritsuka, I'm gonna marry you, one day. Post Marmalade Boy/Marmalade Boy Little.

  • Sharing is caring and making plans

    Post 7.01 Nothing But Blue Skies- Jane and Lisbon, an evening at home, thinking about the future, what has been and what it could be. Rated M for sexytimes.

  • Sex (money) and violence

    Based on an original work by Craig Kyle and Chris Yost- When Hunter's psychotic ex-wife, Neena, suddenly reappears in his life, Lance knows it means troubles for him and his team: only, he doesn't know yet how big, or deadly, they may be.

  • Rings

    Birthday gift fic for kathiann Superwoman, set post Blue Bird; Jane, Lisbon, a birthday, a gift wanted but not delivered and a promise- and hope- for the future...

  • Knowledge and Understanding

    Maybe, Just maybe... she could help him out, get him to understand. Because he couldn't ask Ollie, and even if he did, he wasn't sure his friend would answer.

  • Out Of Character

    Collection of short one-shots, often non-related, featuring the SGA and Atlantis crew. One: in which Daniel Jackson acts out of character for once, and he enjoys it; two, in which Vala has some issues after Queen Death has been defeated (as seen in Stargate Atlantis: Legacy vol. 6)...

  • First and Last

    The first time Patrick Jane had kissed her in a TSA holding cell, Teresa Lisbon had realized something: it didn't matter that she had never been his first at anything. All she cared about was getting to be his last one. Post season 6,rated T to be on the safe side.

  • Vignette by the shore

    Birthday gift for Petitj, inspired by her own art. "She could stay for a little longer in that bubble of perfect happiness, without thinking about the future, the past or her job. The three of them were enough. For now."

  • Dirty Talking

    Teresa knows how to get her husband in the mood for their wedding night... even if he could be a little reluctant at first. Rated M for adult situations, second part is more serious and fluffy.

  • Star-Crossed

    AU-ish: young Teresa knew that there was a touch in magic in every woman, and that she didn't want to fall in love. That was why she hoped for an impossible man. For if her perfect love didn't exist, he couldn't break her heart…

  • The Golden Mirror

    Fourth part in the Merry Lust-filled Christmas Universe; this year, it's up to Jane to give Lisbon something special- what she likes and desires the most... rated M for adult situations

  • Stay the night

    In the end, she ends up staying the night, and helping him out sweating off the fever... triple-drabble for episode 7.4, rated T to be on the safe side

  • And could the night bring me wisdom and advice

    He doesn't know what to do, he doesn't know that he is in good company, because neither does she/ post 4.1

  • Under the shower spray

    He knows how she looks like underneath the shower spary, her hair like an halo, like a goddess right before him, and all he can think of is that there's indeed a divinity in the world since she is there, with him, real. That- and the fact that he just can't have enough of touching her. Just to make sure, and remember himself, that it's really happening. post Blue Bird, adult

  • Acceptance

    Set after Bones never lie- spoiler for the end of the book: Temperance, Daisy and Ryan, and the outcome of the events that had crushed them more than what they want to admit. Big changes are waiting for them just around the corner, and they don't know it yet... rated T to be safe.

  • The Guy Next Door

    AU- In a world where it wasn't Red John to take away Jane's family, Patrick and Teresa still meet; but what happens when she is a workaholic CBI agent, set on her career, and he is her nosy, loud and handsome new neighbor? Will spark fly, and what will they need to heal their old wounds? Written for the Mentalist BigBang, with cover and beta-reading byKathiann Superwoman 1015.

  • You've got mail

    Written for the Mentalist Big Bang on Lj. In a Red John free future, Jane and Lisbon are struggling with finding love. But what happens when Grace plays Cupid, hoping that, falling in love on the net, will help them admitting their real feelings for each other? What will happen when they wil finally understand that May Flower and Alexanderson are, in reality, Teresa and Patrick?

  • Unforgettable face

    Written for the Mentalist bigbang onlj, with art by miss peg, au-ish. While struggling with a fresh romance, Jane and Lisbon travel to Queens for a case, crossing paths with the Queens Homicide Division and an old friend, Jane's brother-in-law, Danny Ruskin, now posing as Det. Sanders. Is the con-man up to something or is he changed? T on the safe side.

  • The Right Foot Tell

    Written for the mentalist big bang, with art by kathiann superwoman, a bit ooc and auish. "It's world-wide known, Teresa: a man's right feet always points at the woman he desires the most." Too bad it's Jane's feet pointing at her... feet Lisbon isn't so sure are attracted to her.