

  • Prismatic

    Mouse, Erin, and Jay are together. Finally. But as the triad moves forward together into their future, the past comes knocking. Third in the States of Matter series.

  • Tesselation

    It had been seven months since Mouse had shocked her into silence in the district parking lot. Six since Terry had died and Jay had fallen apart. Five since Erin had found the courage to ask Jay the question that had been slowly building up inside her. Five months since everything and nothing had changed. Sequel to Fluidity. Second in the States of Matter Series.

  • Midnight Memories

    At Amy's request for a surprise, the Doctor sets the TARDIS to a random destination, but finds himself unwillingly revisiting an old nightmare. One-Shot. Set circa Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.

  • The People We Were

    The map wasn't inscribed with the names James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin; it belonged to Mssrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. It belonged to the names that they chose for themselves, that they chose for each other, and it belonged to the version of themselves where they were all of the parts of themselves.