
  • Illusion

    They muzzle you like a dog, and you wonder when your silver tongue became the iron chains to bind you. (Loki, post-Avengers). No slash; short fic (longer than a drabble).

  • Almost

    "Dean does almost anything and everything for Sam. Almost, because there's one thing Dean won't do, " Pre-series, and spoilers up until All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2). Angst, character death(s) referenced. NO SLASH.

  • Equation

    "The clock strikes midnight with finality, and fate arrives with punctuality, though the irony of it is afterward drowned in Sam's tears." Under 200 words. Spoilers for "No Rest for the Wicked" 3x16. Mention of canon character death. Not even an ounce of slash, ever.

  • Enchant

    31 sentences about Emma Swan, in honor of her 31st birthday. Canon, with hints of Captain Swan, of course! Mild language.

  • make the face of heaven so fine

    It isn't supposed to be Sybil. (Spoilers for 3x05-Canon character death-multi-character perspective).

  • Burden of Memory

    "There were those who fought, and there are those who died, and there are those whose task it is to remember." Bilbo's perspective, post Battle of the Five Armies. SPOILERS, obviously-canon character deaths, sadness and angst. NO SLASH, at all, EVER.

  • Edge

    Jim Moriarty doesn't have an unimpeachable standard of immorality or a thirst to bring injustice to all the world, he just wants to play, and he knows that causing pain is the only thing that still gives him a rush. Meeting Sherlock Holmes, at last, may accomplish just that. (Set during The Great Game...Moriarty muses before the poolside encounter). Characters not mine. No slash.

  • Reign

    This is her land, her realm, her winter. (The White Witch comes upon Edmund). Drabble-ish.

  • Heritage

    "He does not remember when they fell. He only knows that they have fallen, and that darkness is theirs and his, the only thing they still share." Thorin POV, Battle of the Five Armies. Angst and tragedy and character death. And spoilers, obviously. No slash, ever.

  • Passing Time

    The Impala is many things to Sam-if not a home, a haven. And road-trip games, if not a prospect, are a pastime. It's a long time before he will admit this, even to himself. A few connected snippets about car games. Sam and Dean, appearance from John, mention of Jess...time-span from Wee!Chesters to Season One. Humor, angst, feels. NOT SLASH. Rating for language and "Deannuendoes"

  • a long farewell, to all my greatness

    The triumph of attaining Maria's smile swept away all promise of prudence. And thus it is, that Henry Crawford falls from grace. (Canon)

  • Home

    "I was playin' home," Sam says. John's mouth goes dry and empty as old ashes. "You what?" "Home. Like where there's a pantry full of lots of food, and people cook all nice and set tables, and everyone sits around and talks. Like real families." Angsty Wee-chesters, John's POV, Sam's POV, and plenty of Dean. Rating for language. Not slash, not ever.

  • Stay

    "There weren't…" he begins, and then stops short. There's a lack of his charming veneer in the halted words. He amends it with a quick, half-apologetic smile…almost as though he's sorry for letting the guard down. "No visitors?" Dean finds himself alone in the hospital on a certain anniversary. Stanford-era, Outsider POV. Hurt!Dean, H/C, angst. Rating for mild language. NO SLASH.

  • Rebel

    Sam can't bear to be small. Pre-series drabble about the early quakes in the John and Sam relationship. NO SLASH.

  • Ovaltine

    Beer isn't the only beverage that has a history for the Winchesters. Four short scenes-Wee!Chester, Teen!Chester, Stanford, and Season One. Sick!Sam, Big Brother!Dean. Some angst, some fluff. General feels. Not even an atom of slash. Rating for the mildest of language and Deannuendoes.

  • Lost

    It's useless. All the speculation, all the begging for old ghosts. The one person he wants here is here, in all but...everything.-Dean reflects. Soulless!Sam, spoilers for the first half of Season 6. Dean angst, the works. NO SLASH.

  • Wishes

    Dean's turning eleven…11, two one's in a row, which is pretty special. Even though Dean is normally miles above the things Sam likes, everyone likes cake. Well, except for Dad, maybe.But if Dean wants a cake, Sam's going to make sure he has one. Birthday Wee!Chester fic, with some Season 1. Rating for mild language. Pure brotherly feels and fluff, NO SLASH. For bhoney.

  • Give

    "Hands up!" I shout, and I'm not kidding myself, an old lady shouting isn't the most intimidating spectacle, but I'll let my 12-gauge do the talking for me. Speaking of twelve… Landsakes. The burglar's a kid. Wee!Chester and Stanford era Christmas fic (two-part), Outsider POV. Someone catches Dean when he's stealing presents for Sammy. No slash.

  • Sunlight

    "For a moment, just when the blade goes in, it isn't cold anymore." Kili remembers a happier time. (Canon character deaths, major tragedy and angst).

  • Lights Will Guide You

    "Sam has never quite known what home means." Pre-series to early Season 1. Gen, no slash. Rating for very mild language.