Dobby's Socks

  • Be There Till the End of Me

    It's after Berlin, 1939, that the Doctor realizes he's running out of time, and already run out of lives. Discussion of potential character death, mentions of Amy/Rory and Doctor/River, alludes to some things discussed in-show in S7, but set after "Let's Kill Hitler", fairly angsty with a dash of comfort

  • Not Yet Ready

    The Doctor, knowing of his fate at Lake Silencio, tries to take Professor River Song to Darillium to preserve the timelines. But a conversation with the woman who killed him may just be the realization he needs to know it isn't his time to go just yet. Set pre-"The Wedding of River Song", Doctor/River, mild language and reference to character death

  • Don't Be Alone

    Clara wants to get home for her date tomorrow night, leaving the Doctor to ponder just how alone he really is - if he is at all. Set before "Listen" with mentions of Clara's beginning relationship with Danny, but no major spoilers.

  • Suiting Up

    "Barry hadn't thought about it at first, not when he'd tried the original on to go chase down Mardon and not when he'd just as easily donned the second of Cisco's set after the first had been blown up. 'The suits. How come they all fit me'" Just some somewhat silly speculation. Set post 1x05 but not super spoiler-y.

  • Sick Day

    A member of Team TARDIS is taken ill, the Ponds are skeptical, and the dart board is set up. Just an average day, then. Set in S6 between "The Doctor's Wife" and "The Rebel Flesh/Almost People", Amy/Rory, but mostly ridiculous amounts of Pond fluff. Enjoy!

  • Minding Manners and Methods

    An average day takes an odd turn when Barry's abilities start acting up against his will. Features the whole S.T.A.R. labs team and the Wests, mentions of Iris/Eddie, one-sided Barry/Iris, and plenty of paternal!Joe. No major spoilers, set anywhere between episodes 2 and 5. Enjoy!

  • SPEW Is Insignificant

    Hermione's House Elf Movement is vindicated but also swept aside due to the fact that it was never needed in the first place. Wizards should consider reading up on all the laws they have to follow. Or Professor Pemberly's study hall might just have to take action.

  • Tonks and the Order of the Phoenix

    Read about the adventures of Tonks while she struggles with life, love, her job, and her secret status as a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Not to mention when she falls headoverheels for a certain werewolf. T for alcohol use and language.

  • Prongs and Evans: Take Two

    When Hermione gets her Timeturner back and Harry's accidentally sent to the past, he keeps thinking positively. It's not like he's going to change the future or anything... NOW COMPLETE! w00t!

  • Their Thing

    "Hey Barry, when do you go jogging?" Because Barry doesn't know how to say no, Iris ends up semi-involved in a certain aspect of his life. He's not really complaining. Set in some ambiguous time before the midseason finale with minor references up through 1x08, onesided Barry/Iris, Iris/Eddie, appearances from Joe and the STAR labs crew, and mentions of Team Arrow

  • Fathers and Son

    Every year since he was eleven years old, Barry Allen's done Father's Day twice. Set pre-series, mentions of one-sided Barry/Iris

  • The Kingdom of AU

    Many people have their different views on the Potter-verse, but there are some who just take it too far. This is a collection of cliches, AUs, mishaps, and parodies of things which have made their way onto the Harry Potter page. *No offense intended to any specific author.

  • The Time Lord (Not Quite) Raised by Otters

    Inspired by a line from "The Caretaker": "I lived among otters for a month. River and I, we had this big fight." Set between season six and season seven part two, no major spoilers, Doctor/River, rated for one curse word.

  • Frankenstein

    "Sebastian Shaw may have created Erik Lehnsherr but Charles Xavier had created Magneto, and it was becoming clear which was the worse crime." Erik always called himself a monster, but just who is Frankenstein? Charles muses. Set post First Class but makes reference to events not discussed until Days of Future Past.

  • Unqualified

    The graduating class of '93 runs into some issues upon entering the adult world. Despite the best of intentions, it seems teachers really shouldn't cancel exams. Post CoS, multiple OCs with cameos from cannon characters, rated for minor swearing and alcohol usage

  • Something Silly This Way Comes

    Harry has returned to the future with no clue that the mess he has left behind for those in the past will need a lot of pranks, close calls, and frights to unentangle itself. Sequel to Prongs and Evans: Take Two, SLIGHTLY AU, written before DH.

  • Indecipherable

    Donna helps the Doctor understand yet another human concept in an unlikely place, and gains a bit more of an understanding of her Spaceman in return. Set in the latter half of S4, but no major spoilers.

  • How Jack Witnessed Jo's Wedding

    "We'll just stop off in Cardiff, pick up our supplies, get married and-" (Cliff Jones, "The Green Death") Jo and Cliff are short one witness for their wedding before heading off to the Amazon. Lucky thing Jack's always around. A meeting of Classic and New Who, mild Jo/Doctor (3rd) undertones, and somehow still cannon compliant. Enjoy!

  • Management

    Annalise leaves Clive, Tish wants him and Francine to talk, Leo doesn't want to put up with any of it, they all want Martha to do something about it, but Mickey just wants Martha to let go. Set post-JE but before their bit in TEoT, is compliant with my other fic "How Martha Went to Donna's Wedding", rated for mild innuendo, Martha/Mickey

  • Regression

    "It hurts, watching him slowly forget and not being able to do a single thing about it. Not one line, not one day...She never knows, from one meeting to the next, how much he's going to remember." An interpretation of how River Song perceives her relationship with the Doctor. Spans most of her timeline, rated for suggestive language, mild spoilers for S7, Doctor/River