
  • Touching On Memories

    Snape can't remember what has happened when he awakens in the hospital wing, but through the use of legillimency he views the things he can't remember.

  • Bleak Thoughts

    Harry thinks about a relationship that will never happen. One sided Snarry.

  • Unexpected Bonds

    Severus expected to die, he hadn't expected this.

  • Turning Point

    Hermione Granger finds out that she isn't a Granger at all. How does this concern Severus Snape? What will Ron think? Please R&R. Rated for safety. Complete.

  • Severus Snape: Man of Mystery?

    Summary: Severus Snape's secret life unveiled. Pre-slash. HP/SS. Crossdressing. AU as of end of Order of the Phoenix. Rated as M for safety.

  • What they were seeking

    Summary: A tale featuring a few days in the life of Harry and Viktor. Slash. Mpreg. HP/VK. Complete.

  • Beast Within

    Remus had known that the beast within him made him different than others.

  • Being Alone

    Luna had never seen being alone as a bad thing.

  • Psychics and Potions

    Luna helps Severus gain some peace after the war in exchange for a potion that will allow her the same.

  • The Drabble Directory

    A series of Harry Potter drabbles. Various Pairings.

  • Enemies Beware

    Harry feels that the writing on the wall was meant for him and becomes obsessed with finding the Heir of Slytherin.

  • Vivid Nightmares

    Harry is woken from a nightmare by a terrible scream.

  • Becoming Serena

    The backstory of how Severus Snape first became Serena. This is a prequel to my story Severus Snape - Man of Mystery? set in the DragQueen!Snape verse. Written for: Bingo challenge at 1 million words - Large Kink Card prompt: crossdressing

  • Charmed and Disarmed

    Filius Flitwick has been looking for the perfect apprentice, he finds a bit more than that in the end.

  • Potions Minds

    Severus meets another mind like his when he visits the potions guild, and a friendship develops.

  • Survival

    Narcissa makes plans and carries them out to remove herself from Lucius and the war.

  • Tea Leaves and Palmistry

    Barty had an ulterior motive when he convinced Regulus to take divination with him. Pre-slash.

  • Green Fingered

    Neville is growing a cross-breed in his dormitory.

  • Just A Friend

    Hermione thinks about Ron as their relationship ends.

  • Letting Go

    Severus finds a way to let go at a Death Eater Revel. Warnings: Watersports, non-con elements, public humiliation.