
  • Glossy Lips

    Summary: Hermione takes an interest in lip gloss. femmeslash. Hermione/Pansy. Written for Kamerreon's drabble chain.

  • All Was Well

    Summary: It has been 19 years since the war ended, the youngest of his sons are starting Hogwarts, and he is about to break free of the shackles that have chained him. Slash. Harry/Lucius.

  • The Power of the Puffs

    Summary: What Hufflepuff House really are, and who they are beholden to, whatever others may think, Hufflepuffs are not weak. General spoilers for the books. Written for sabethea who won my help haiti auction. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

  • His Mother's Eyes

    Summary: Severus Snape's and Harry Potter's relationship is nothing like it appears to the public. Slash. HPSS. Implied one-sided Lily/Snape. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

  • Escape from Manipulation

    Summary: Harry tries to escape Dumbledore’s manipulations only to be caught by another. Warning: Character Death. Spoilers: General spoilers, especially for the end of HP and the Order of Phoenix.

  • The Full Moons' Allure

    Sirius thinks on the full moon from his cell in Azkaban. Slash. Remus/Sirius

  • Overheard Misunderstanding

    Harry overhears a conversation that scares him.

  • The Seeker

    Love for a dark-haired seeker? Which seeker is that? Oneshot. SLASH. HP/VK

  • Lily's Loves

    Everyone knows Lily Evans was married to James Potter, but was he the only one she ever loved. Rated for safety. I do not own any of these characters, they belong to J.K. Rowling. ON HOLD