
  • Police Business

    Andy comes to see Rhys about some police business.

  • Little Gifts

    Peter is confused by the gifts Neal keeps receiving.

  • Good Morning

    Spencer gets the same text message every morning, this time Derek sees it. 1st in the Texting the FBI series.

  • You Wouldn't Dare

    Owen doesn't think Andy would dare try to shut him up.

  • Grandmamma's Tale

    Grandmamma tells the children of her first proper adventure with the man known only as The Doctor. Set after Meet The Family.

  • Hard To Resist

    After some unknown technology comes through the rift Jack and Ianto need to battle with their control of their pheromones. Set in the Incubus!Ianto verse after Seducing Him

  • Lessons

    Summary: Severus Snape's secret life has been unveiled and he has agreed to give lessons to the one who found his secret, Harry Potter. Pre-slash. AU as of end of Order of the Phoenix. Warnings: Crossdressing, pre-slash. I don't own Harry Potter.

  • The Duet

    Summary: Harry Potter's lessons on how to be a woman are complete, now all he has to do is pass Severus' final test. Slash. AU as of end of Order of the Phoenix. Sequel to Lessons. Slash. Cross-dressing.

  • A Flying Lesson

    Summary: Viktor tries to teach Teddy to fly, but the lesson gets a bit out of hand. Part of the Seeking Something Verse. AN: Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: kidfic – first injury

  • Seeking Answers

    Summary: Harry finds the answer he was looking for after a trip to the healers. mpreg, slash. Harry/Victor. Part of the Seeking Something Verse AN: Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: Pregnancy male or female

  • A Short Problem

    Summary: After an accident in potions Harry thinks on a small problem. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

  • Thankful For

    Summary: Lily is telling the gang about muggle holidays when Sirius lets the werewolf out the bag. Slash. Remus/Sirius. James/Lily. Written as a comment fic. I don't own Harry Potter.

  • Seeking Perfection

    Summary: Harry, Viktor and Teddy put the finishing touches on the baby's nursery. Harry/Viktor. Part of the Seeking Something Verse. AN: Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: Baby – setting up nursery.

  • Two Special Little Boys

    Summary: Lorcan and Lysander are two very special little boys. AN: Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: Eskimo Kisses

  • Disastrous Dinner

    Summary: Draco was just trying to do something nice for his husband, but he should have known that it was a disaster waiting to happen. Slash. Harry/Draco. Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: kitchen disaster

  • Just A Kiss

    Summary: Harry and Viktor think on a small kiss that was exchanged between them. Pre-slash/slash. Harry/Viktor. Part of the Seeking Something Verse.

  • Matching Them Up

    Summary: To press her advantage of being overlooked in the Tri-wizard Tournament Fleur decides on a little matchmaking. Pre-slash. Harry Potter/Viktor Krum. Part of the Seeking Something verse - prequal of sorts to What They Were Seeking.

  • Nightmares

    Summary: Harry is still having nightmares even after Voldemort's defeat, there's only one person he would trust to guard his sleep. AN: Written for schmoop bingo Prompt: Nightmares Slash. Harry/Roger Davies

  • On Their Bench

    Summary: It all started there, on that park bench, when Harry encountered Marcus Flint once more. Pre-slash/slash. Harry/Marcus. Written for story lottery. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, no matter how much I wish it were so.

  • A Night of Debauchery

    Summary: Blaise wanted one night with Harry Potter, he just had to get Draco to share. Slash. Threesome. Draco/Harry/Blaise. Disclaimer: I own nothing, I'm not JK Rowling.