Traitor of All Traitors

  • Restoring the Ties

    To ensure stability, the past and future must stay connected in the eternal present. To ensure that balance is maintained, the Avatar needs to be reunited with the predecessors that came before them.

  • You're no sister, you're a criminal

    Aftermath to "Deadly Ambition". Blood may be thicker than water, but right and wrong are thicker than blood. Amanda is right and Kim is wrong. Law, order, and god-like authority are right, and greed, betrayal, and deception are wrong. Read and review if you like the good guys coming out on top!

  • Death as an escape

    Everyone has their breaking point, but happens after they break? Do they commit murder, stay quiet for a few years, and then bite the bullet? And what happens once the bullet is bit?

  • Truth is the only charisma needed

    In response to a review from an untraceable person, the episode 'Charisma' gets included in the 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit' with Brother Correction undoing the fates of those that suffered. Lives mildly crushed, lives miraculously returned to life…and a fanatic brought to his end. Warning, not for those that have a problem with the good episodes of a good series.

  • True Hope

    The recreation of a new universe should never have to replace the one you currently reside in, no matter what the reasons are for it. What if a being that is above most others had intervened and undid the changes that occurred? What if a cop with a gauntlet with a mind of its own was still a cop? What if the talismans of power were reduced to less than a handful? Find out how.

  • A Good Samaritan

    To everyone that saw Taboo, what if someone saw what Ella did to her baby…and did something about it to help SVU?

  • Taking Responsibility

    Alcoholism: Periodic drinking/consumption of unhealthy beverages. Underage drinking: Teens consuming alcoholic beverages, even though they shouldn't. Death: The end of life, either through natural or unnatural causes. We must take responsibility for these actions we make that surround drinking and partying. Read and review.

  • Why it was (not) his life

    Add-on to You can (not) save his life. Gendo was rumored to have met a woman dressed like a shrine maiden sometime after Shinji died in the battle against Bardiel/Unit-03, but what was said in the meeting? What did he find out? And what did this shrine maiden say to him? Read to find out.

  • She's not haunting you, so let go

    A positive extension to the alternate ending of the remake. Sue receives a visit that enables her to put behind her the guilt and fear she has had to live with ever since the prom.

  • Silent Carnage

    Gwen Stacy of the Ultimate Marvel universe, so pretty, so bold, so graceful. The last day of her life that needn't end the way it had. What if, by some stroke of faith, Peter, as Spider-Man, was there to save her from Carnage? What if Gwen lived?

  • Life for the victims

    To the victims of the episodes Families and Home, live once again. Read and review. It's a short piece.

  • Final Struggle: Teaser

    Everything has a beginning. Everything, including what has ended, has a beginning. Where all that was once known, once cherished, once loved or desired, is all gone, leaving only anger, hurt and sorrow. You run from they that desire revenge for the years of misery…and you soon find yourself in a place you recognize only bits of…or nothing at all, yet do you feel like you belong?

  • The Horrid Aftermath

    What if the first battle with Sachiel, the Third Angel/Angel of Water ended more negatively? What if, due to factors unanticipated, the boy everyone forced to be a reluctant hero was reduced to a casualty? And if medical technology was available to save his life, drastic measures had to be taken to ensure his survival because a madman could care less? Wait for sequel story.

  • Ben and Gwen

    No aliens, no magic, no time travel or a world in danger. It's just Ben, Gwen and whoever is fortunate enough to be included in the world. The pair possess some similarities from the original franchise, but the rest are associated to the hentai. Check it out and tell me what you think of it.

  • The Boy Who Lived Through Retribution

    Let's forget about Second Impact. Let's forget the Angels, Evas, and NERV. They don't exist for a moment. They don't exist at all. It's a different world, a different place, one full of a different type of balance, where you have, in one hand, the successes and failures that come with science, and in the other the mysteries, wonders and possibilities of sorcery. And a boy involved.

  • The Freedom of Vengeance

    In the year Two-Thousand, something terrible happened that forced the world to use Japan as a dumping ground for any children that possessed unnatural powers. Fifteen years later, the children that were forced to fend for themselves are still being persecuted…and on this land where every move you make could decide your fate, one of the outcasts must rise from the ashes and fight.

  • Like a Flower

    Set sometime after the last episode and ties into "Restoring the Ties". The Spirit Portal in Republic is growing weaker with the passage of time. Why is this so? Read to understand, then review.

  • Shinji of the Darkness

    This is just something I had to get out of my head, like a song that gets stuck in it for a while.

  • Little Girl Destiny

    A/N: This belonged to Lollipop456, but has been transferred to me, the Traitor of All Traitors. In the world of The Skeleton Key, there exists souls of malevolence and filled with dark desires, but there are also souls of benevolence, meant to protect the innocent from the guilty. It is a scale, a test, an eternal struggle of light against darkness, between justice and injustice.

  • Pride and Punishment

    All that believe Gendo Ikari to be arrogant, boastful, power-hungry and everything else that makes him an awful person will realize that retribution is the only conclusion that awaits him and others that are no better than he is.