Traitor of All Traitors

  • Because I Believe in Second Chances

    Too much death and despair has plagued the Runaways, and they've been no strangers to loss. So a stranger of power and more decides to help them and undo the damage caused by their parents, the Pride. But someone just as powerful…and as dangerous as he can be to people incapable of redemption has other plans for the Runaways. Read and review if you like stories of redemption!

  • The Value of Horai Island

    The home of humans, demons and their hybrid successors returns to existence by means of a powerful soul.

  • Shinji, the Psychic Child

    A crossover between one questionable franchise and another questionable franchise, with bits of a video game and story thrown in. An alternate universe of sorts, where a simple, fourteen-year-old boy discovers a means to exact vengeance on those that have been wrong to him. This time, it'll be a combination of the anime and manga, just to increase the intensity.

  • An Air Temple's Absolution

    Sometime after Korra has her connection to the Avatars of the past restored, Brother Correction returns to correct another mistake that needs to be undone. He has saved many lives, and now he will restore a piece of a nation's culture. Read and review, please.

  • Order and Chaos

    Destabilize the order, but control the chaos. That is what a stranger from a different time, an ancient existence, brings when he arrives to undo the damage done to the people that have suffered.

  • Webs of Redemption

    Based off the MTV version of Spider-Man, we start where the series ended, and progress to hope and absolution. Peter Parker is allowed by a greater force to save the people he couldn't save and absolve himself of guilt.

  • It's my choice

    What if things were different after the disappearance of Unit-04? What if fate was merciful to the few that needed to be spared unnecessary harm? What if Toji's sister was well enough to leave the hospital before NERV came to him with the offer to pilot Unit-03? What if he told them no…and they had to resort to a new tactic?

  • Avoidance

    We all have desires that cannot be fulfilled, and dreams we sometimes can't undo. Sometimes, it takes a miracle or two to defy fate's machinations. Sometimes, it takes a person charged by powers beyond our understanding to protect us from our sins, our mistakes.

  • Saving a framed life

    A different outcome to the episode "Taken". If you feel that Ramsey deserved to be saved, then read this!

  • The Crow of Evangelion

    Before the Second Impact, people used to believe that whenever a person dies, a crow would carry their soul to the realm of the dead. But sometimes, just sometimes, the crow could bring that soul back…to set right to the wrongs that led to their passing. Now, fifteen years after the day half the world went away, a crow has brought back a lost soul…to set the new wrongs right.

  • It'd be a sin to be with you

    What if Ritsuko was visited by a ghost of the future to keep her from fulfilling the present?

  • He's returned

    He has saved children from fates far worse than dying, reunited lovers and ended conflicts on a whim, but when he sees how a creature that behaves no different from a human and what it has done to one such young couple, he cannot stand by and watch it continue with its acts of random disorder. Read and review and let me know what you think!

  • Swordsmanship Time

    Set after the episode Breezy. Finn has been getting his life back together with his arm restored, and a visitor comes by to give him a gift…and some hope. It's my first attempt at writing an Adventure Time story, so, please, don't hate it a lot. Give it a try.

  • Warnings go unheard, Divine actions do not

    There are an untold number of universal or multiversal guardians, even some that act as the answers to the prayers of those that seek out a change in their life for the better. One such number of prayers answered by one such guardian that has spent an eternity of undoing conflict and grief. God may never answer the prayers you have in the manner that you seek, but this man might.

  • Saving souls before saving flesh

    It's mainly 'Runaway', but with the solutions to 'Valentine's Day', 'Alien', 'Lost Traveler' and 'Slaves'. Brother Correction returns to undo all that never should've been committed…and restore hope to those that have lost theirs. Read and tell what you love, hate, or would like to see. Read it!

  • Merchandise isn't lives

    Something needed to be resolved in the episode 'Merchandise'. There was one member of the Holbart family unaccounted for and needed to be dealt with. People all over the world on the dark side of monetary concerns need to accept that, despite what they believe to be truth, there's no money to be made off of the lives of others.

  • Incompatible

    Seed of Chucky-based. There's always a consequence never anticipated by anyone. For example, if you were warned not to break a vase, and you broke it, would you have still broken it had you not been warned? Read, review, be fascinated.

  • Past Regrets and Future Atonement

    Elliot Stabler, a man that did everything in his power as an SVU detective to make New York safer for people to live in, wrecked with shame for taking the life of Jenna Fox in Smoked. Brother Correction, a former mortal that serves as an eternal Good Samaritan to save the people that nobody else could or would. Both meet, and manage to find the path to atonement and forgiveness.

  • To be a Mutate, or not to be a Mutate

    To be a Mutate, or not to be a Mutate? Derek, Maggie and Claw wouldn't mind being themselves before they were mutated, but that was a dream believed to be hopeless. But is it truly? Not when visited by a man that lives to make right the awful choices that robbed people of their futures. Whenever any twisted soul crosses paths with Brother Correct, there can be no chance of victory.