
  • A Sudden Adoption

    Nile is minding his own business on holiday in France when he stumbles across a ten-year-old pickpocket. Abandoned children are free real estate, right?

  • The Staredown

    Helen isn't allowed to talk about the patient in Room 109. Even when the strangely intimidating man staring her down claims to be the patient's younger brother.

  • Late Night Discussions

    John has met the love of his life. Ian is getting annoyed that he won't shut up about her.

  • Lockdown Liability

    Alex is stuck in lockdown with Gordon Ross. Hijinks ensue as Alex tries to distract himself from boredom. Devilverse!

  • Taming the Pencil

    Alex has just watched John Wick. He's really struggling with this pencil thing, but if he can make it work, it's gonna be REALLY awesome. Devilverse!

  • The Odd Couple

    Everyone who's been to Malagasto has a soft spot for Jet. Everyone who's been to Malagasto knows that Yermalov is about as friendly as a snake. How the FUCK did they end up together!

  • Quite a Blast

    Yassen just spectacularly ruined Alex's day. Then Alex finds out where he keeps his yacht and helicopters. Alex is delighted- he's going to have an absolute blast of a time.

  • Baby Blues

    Ian takes baby Alex in for a day at the office. All the babysitters in London were horribly busy.

  • A Gummy Sort of Problem

    Those sugar-free Haribo gummies are great, what is everyone talking about? John Crawley is sick of people getting greedy with his candy bowl. They would have been fine if they had stuck to three gummies.

  • In Her Honor

    Alex isn't doing so well after Jack's death. It's hard for him to adjust to the fact that his beloved older sister figure is dead. He decides to do something in her honor. Written for SpyFest 2022 Week 4. Prompt: The new normal. Set post Scorpia Rising.

  • Grating Grandparents

    Alex has been told his paternal grandparents are still alive. His hopes for what he might find are dashed. There's a reason Ian never brought them up, after all. Written for SpyFest 2022 Week 3. Prompt: had been a mistake. Filled with: Tracking down his grandparents had been a mistake. Inspired by mediaboy's Family Dinner. Warnings for homophobic language, alcohol, classism.

  • Adventures in Volunteering

    Smithers needs a new buddy to help him with his mission: maintaining the server at the kid's gaming center he volunteers at. Enter Alex Rider, his teen coworker that just happens to love gaming. A surprisingly wholesome fic with our two favorite computer nerds from Alex Rider bonding. Written for SpyFest 2022 Gift Exchange for Guelphbeegirl.

  • Scrutiny

    Alex decides to try his plan to get certain people to quit watching his every move. It does not work out as planned. Written for SpyFest 2022 Week 2. Prompt: Close observation.

  • The Recruitment of Alex Rider (Recruitment on AO3)

    Alex's love of snakes causes a diverging path in his possible futures. Told from Nile's perspective. Written for SpyFest 2022 Week 1. Prompt: Characters meet in an unlikely place.

  • Strange Encounters

    Alex Rider's shrink got eaten by a fucking dinosaur. That about sums up his life right there.

  • An Explosion of Efflorescence

    Flowers start growing everywhere around Alex after he gets blasted by some sort of laser. It was all going okay until he made a plant that only flowers every fifty years flower early.

  • The World is Truly Despicable

    Walker is given a deadline. Either Alex Rider is SCORPIA or dead or Walker is. This is going to be a shitshow, he just knows it. Walker's Web Part 12. Last installment.

  • The Debriefing Drama

    Alex Rider knows it's time for his usual post-mission interrogation. Walker's chosen hiding place is the bloody closet. Walker's Web Part 11.

  • A Suspicion of Shadiness

    Even MI6 gets suspicious eventually. Alex Rider suddenly having a mysterious benefactor buying him nice things is going to be...fun to investigate. Walker's Web Part 10.

  • Gratuitous Gifts

    Walker is starting to wonder if Alex is ever going to kick him out. It's been nearly two months and, while it is convenient to Walker's mission to convince him to switch back to SCORPIA, Walker is getting concerned. Walker's Web Part 9.