
Last online 11 months ago
  • Following
    • Umbridge reads the deathly hallows

      Umbridge finds the Deathly Hallows and reads it to all of Hogwarts and the Order. What could go wrong?

    • To Take a Chance: Reading the Deathly Hallows

      AU. In a different reality where the Potters survived and Voldemort was resurrected at a much earlier time, Harry and his two best friends had gotten hold of an object that might give them and the Order the answers to win their war. AU!Harry different from Canon!Harry. Might rate it up to T later. Please R&R. Chapter nine is now up!

    • The Order Members Read Deathly Hallows

      Continuation of TwiHard24's story where she left it off. From Chapter 28- The Missing Mirror. All Members of the Order Of the Pheonix, past/present/future, read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Please read and review! Rapidly coming updates! Enjoy!

    • Discovery: Reading the Deathly Hallows

      The Dursleys have just gotten back from hiding and have discovered a book in number 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Soon, the Grangers, Marauders, Lily, Harry and the Weasleys and more join them. L/J H/G R/H Rated T for some swearing.

    • Hogwarts and the Deathly Hallows

      The mysterious A.S. Potter sends back the seventh Harry Potter Book. Who gets the book you may ask? Professor Umbridge of course! Read the epic tale of Harry Potter through its characters eyes, and see how they change the future for the better.

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