
  • Marimos for a Marimo

    It started off as a prank that would become a tradition, meaning more to one than the other suspected.

  • Hope Eternal

    When Sanji spots the Black Queen's ship moored in the harbor, he knows better than to face her alone and calls upon Luffy and Zoro for help. [One Piece characters, Homestuck (SBURB) setting]

  • Kitetsu Hill

    Sandai Kitetsu. The "problem child". It has waited patiently, waited for a master strong enough to bring it home. Legend claims that only those who wield it suffer disaster, but as it turns out, no one is safe from its curse. Will the crew escape with their lives, or become fodder for its dark rebirth?

  • Unseen Injuries

    [Post-Timeskip] Time heals most wounds, but the deeper ones-those of the mind, the heart-tend to linger. After an encounter with several Pacifistas, Sanji notices that the swordsman has not come down from the crow's nest and takes it upon himself to investigate.

  • Won't Let You Go

    An alternate ending to Portal 2: Chell refuses to let go of Wheatley as they dangle from of the portal on the moon.

  • Saturday Night at the 413

    Welcome to the 413. It's a sad hole-in-the-wall that wreaks of smoke and booze, frequented only by the lonely and miserable city-dwellers...but at it least it's something to fall back on at the end of the week. Drop by on a Saturday night and you'll be in for a show that might help you forget things for a while. ["Piano Man" lyrics (c) Billy Joel]

  • The Paralyzer

    When Franky and Robin opened up a nightclub in town, Zoro was honor-bound as a friend to pay it at least one visit. It was supposed to be a quick, in-out affair, but turned into something more... [ZoSan] Lyrics from "Paralyzer" by Finger Eleven.

  • Of Sand and String

    A meandering glimpse into the lives of Sir Crocodile and Donquixote Doflamingo. After meeting in their youth on a summer island with burning sands, the two would set out upon very different paths that somehow always brought them back together. Years would pass between meetings, but some things remained the same. Until they didn't.