
  • The Key To The Heart Of The Lonely Mountain

    No man is an island unto himself and no Dwarf is a mountain unto himself. Sometimes the key to opening the mountain isn't forged in Dwarven fire as much as it comes from an unassuming hobbit named Bella. Thorin learns that knowing death isn't as important as facing live or admitting to love

  • Mithral and Opals: The Desolation of Smaug Part 1: Fatherly Advice

    Balin and Thorin have a heart-to-heart talk about how Thorin's growing love for Bella may impact the Company, the quest to reclaim Erebor, the throne and Thorin's well-being. Gandalf puts in his hat's worth just for fun.

  • How To Make A Hobbit Dream in Five Minutes Or Less

    What happened between the time that Bella Baggins went to bed and the next morning when she woke up to an empty Hobbit Hole? When Bella has love starting with a silver bead, she can reclaim mountains from dragons and, perhaps, be what it Took to rescue a Handsome Prince from nights of longing. Fem!Bilbo Rule 63. Bagginshield.

  • How To Make A Hobbit Brave In Five Minutes Or Less: For Love of Thorin

    "All right you scum-sucking dung heaps," she yelled with more bravado than bravery. "Burn in Mt. Doom for all I care." With the accuracy possessed by a three-time Shire Conkers champion, Belladonna Baggins pitched that burning pine cone right into the open maw of one stupid, pitiful warg. Never make a hobbit mad, especially one in love. Mt. Doom hath no fury like a Took scorned.

  • Mithril and Opals: The Desolation of Thorin Part 5: A Darker Dreaming

    Dread tinged my thoughts as I fell into dreaming, not able to stop omens turning my dreams into nightmares. My dreams contained ice and frigid waters, death flowing beneath eyes in the form of pale-skinned monsters with disfigured faces and of bright eyes full of life's fire glazing over with frost from death as my husband died in my arms. (Rule 63)

  • Mithril and Opals: The Desolation of Thorin Part 4: Burning Opals

    From the smallest beginnings come the greatest of loves. A Prince makes an honest Hobbit out of Bella Baggins. Rule 63. Fem!Bilbo

  • Starlight In Your Hand

    This is a romantic Wizard's tale told by Tauriel to her daughter about a brave warrior, a handsome prince, a human with sweaty palms, true love and a little bit of starlight.

  • Return To Me

    Kili's silent prayer to Mahal to be allowed just a few more moments with Tauriel.

  • Mithril and Opals: The Desolation of Thorin Part 3: Family Jewels

    Have you ever looked at the Company and wondered why Thorin, Fili and Kili are much more handsome than the rest? Bella Baggins had thought the same thing and she learns a few things about Thorin's family jewels. She also gets an earful about Thorin's family tree and a few surprises hiding in its branches.

  • Treasure and Remember

    Our lives pass before our eyes as we draw our final breath. Here are Kili's final thoughts of Tauriel before their love is stolen by Death.

  • Mithril and Opals: The Desolation of Smaug Part 2: Perchance, A Dream

    Gandalf warned Thorin and Company to stay on the path and not to touch the water of Mirkwood's stream. The air is heavy with enchantment and works its dark magic upon Thorin Oakenshield. Per chance, it is a Dwarrow's Mid-Autumn dream or a portal allowing a Prince and his Burglar to redo a moment both treasure beyond measure?

  • How To Make A Hobbit Drink In Five Minutes or Less

    How does one conduct oneself amongst Kings in Rivendell? Well, as usual, our feisty little Hobbit, Bella Baggins, is the unknown factor at a very otherwise proper dinner party. It is a study in Salads, Silverfeet and Swords and no one saw any of it coming. Feminine Bilbo! Rule 63. In my world, Bilbo is Bella.

  • To Find A Song for Bella's Heart and Thorin's Soul

    "We must awake and make the day to find a song for heart and soul." -Neil Finn's "Song of the Lonely Mountain." Thorin is about to lose the Heart Under The Mountain because he has broken Bella Baggin's heart to the point where she can't put it back together. Only the Soul of the Lonely Mountain can heal the Heart. Can it be done or is it too late?

  • Of Baths, Braids and Beads: A Study in Courtship

    Lately, Thorin Oakenshield has been losing sleep dreaming about all of the things he and Bella could be. Bella has is perplexed by his mixed signals and whiplash mood swings regarding his opinion of her. At the river, baths, braids and beads come into play. Ohh, myyy! Rule 63 where Bilbo is Bella Baggins.

  • How To Cook Dwarves In Five Minutes or Less

    Bella is a clever, determined Hobbit with keen wit, quick mind and a shrewish disposition when offended. Vanity, they name is Bella Baggins. While upon their quest to Erebor, the Company encounters some Foes who are neither delightful to the nose nor easy to the eye. Bella learns more about herself than she wanted to know and Thorin reconsiders the feisty Hobbit in a new light.

  • How To Vex A Wizard In Five Minutes Or Less

    Bella Baggins wears many hats: cartographer, scribe, tutor and scholar. Her Tookish side enables her with a keen mind and sharp tongue. Tookish blood is a mysterious thing that bestows abilities to those who have it flow deeply and freely in their veins: riding horses, remaining silent and unseen, dreaming of the future and seeing into the past and vexing Wizards.

  • How Much Do I Love the Arkenstone?

    Somewhere between Erebor and the Shire, Thorin sings a song in a dimly-light, smoke-filled tavern to his favorite Hobbit. The ale makes the words flow freely in Khadzul from his lips. Bilbo, gifted with an ear for languages, scribbled it down for those who appreciate good Dwarrow songs. Just a drabble for fun from a song generator. Have fun. No infringement intended.

  • How To Make A Hobbit See Into Thorin's Soul In Five Minutes Or Less

    As Bella tossed and turned, sleep finally came, but it wasn't an easy dreaming. Her thoughts drifted to clanging swords, mounds of bodies, throngs of Orcs charging Dwarvin warriors and the haunted look of loss that she remembered in the eyes of Dwarvin Prince. She awoke the next morning with a new understanding of Thorin Oakenshield and how he came to be the Dwarf he was.

  • How To Make A Hobbit's Heart Race In Five Minutes or Less

    A fussy and fastidious Mistress Baggins is caught up in the epic saga of the Dwarves on a quest to reclaim their lost homeland. When asked to partake in the adventure, she is caught up in the moment before she realizes that dragons are part of the bargain, not to mention obstinate Dwarves. Fem!Bilbo, Rule 63.

  • How To Tell A Hobbit's Future In Five Minutes Or Less

    Bella Baggins finds it most untoward that her smial has been invaded by ill-mannered louts who've cleaned out her pantry and have tracked mud on her favorite carpet. Yet, she is swept up in an evening promising changes in her life of epic proportions due to a bit of Dwarvin Magic and a good song. This tale takes place between How To Change A Hobbit's Mind and Dream stories. Rule 63