Shadow Padawan

  • At First Sight

    Antonin Dolohov's sorting and the first time he sees Bella Black. Pre-het.

  • Under the Surface

    For better or worse, Abraxas and Orion go through their adult life keeping certain things hidden under the surface. Slash.

  • Count To Ten

    Three times Bella resorts to the old "counting to ten" trick.

  • At the End of the World

    Lord Voldemort has fallen, the Hunts have begun and neither Evan nor Wilkes can do anything against the tide that means to wash them out to sea…

  • Loyalty

    They had Lily Evans-Potter. She got away. Severus takes the blame, even though that's not how it went down.

  • Never Really a Choice

    One of the Lord's promising young Death Eaters, Ashley Mulciber, finds out he is a Veela mated to John Dawlish, a Ravenclaw seventh year he used to tutor. Ashley asks John to give him a chance and John honestly has no idea what to do about it until his mind is made up for him.

  • Not A Fairytale

    Cassiopeia Black never could have imagined that the man she was going to marry may not be the best man for her.

  • Not Again

    "Antonin doesn't know why the girl fascinates him so much. Actually, he is rather ashamed of the feeling." Antonin Dolohov/Pansy Parkinson.

  • The Four Stages of Igor

    Severus is sent to get some experience in the Lord's Lab. There his training is overseen by the Head of Lab, Igor Karkaroff who takes interest in the young Death Eater. Slash.

  • Accident's Folly

    When Scorpius ran away from home, he never thought he'd end up like this.

  • A Visit to London

    Narcissa goes to see her son in his new flat and perhaps confront him about his new romantic relationship and general "rebellious" attitude but Draco is not longer the pliant child he had once been. Post-war. Contains slash.

  • The Prewett Girl

    Lucius sees Alice at a Malfoy function and muses on her allure and the politics surrounding her family.

  • Truth

    Bella's marriage is not a happy one.

  • The Dark, Beckoning

    The dark lures, entices, and some people's lives are inevitably tied to it or its agents in all sorts of significant and insignificant ways.

  • Time

    The changes happened so fluidly and naturally that Astoria has not had the chance to stop and consider them, but now with the war and time virtually frozen in the anticipation of an outcome, perhaps she can indulge her desires regardless. Femslash.

  • Three Roses in a Black Garden

    Druella loved her daughters and she had always had their best interests in mind.

  • Among the Colors

    An art school romance.. Drabble. Slash.

  • Substitutes

    Remus and Regulus are in love with someone they can't have. This unrequited love – and a slew of other personal issues they have in common even if they don't acknowledge that – is a uniting force. SLASH.

  • A Storm Is Coming

    It was their last summer before the rest of their lives, their first summer after Hogwarts. Ficlet.

  • Veritaserum

    A collection of drabbles focusing on the Death Eaters, especially their youth – so called Golden Years.