Shadow Padawan

  • Self Deceit

    Evan starts to suspect that Severus might have switched sides and attempts a confrontation. FWW. Implied slash.

  • Not a Funeral

    Cygnus and Druella directly before Andromeda's Disownment ceremony.

  • Friends and Their Benefits

    After the war, Pansy falls into a connection with Theo Nott, the nature of which she cannot quite determine.

  • Before the Ball

    Being a Pureblood is like sequence dancing - if you miss steps, people notice. RB/BC.

  • Alive and Free

    The holidays don't feel very festive in December of 1981.

  • Anticipation

    Ron is nervous about announcing his engagement to Draco.

  • A Celebration

    Severus will be Marked soon, and Lucius proposes they celebrate. Slash.

  • Three Hours

    Lucius is preparing to turn himself in to the aurors after Voldemort's fall in 1981. Narcissa is not convinced the risk is worth it.

  • Like Father, Like Son

    Scorpius looks so much like his father... GG/SM, GG/DM (unrequited).

  • The Interview

    Rose is willing to use all the tools at her disposal to get the internship she wants. Theo/Rose. Warning: uneven power dynamics, cross-gen.

  • Third Time's the Charm

    Pansy and Daphne in three snapshots. Femslash.

  • Win or Die

    In the end, she distilled everything to one wonderfully simple principle: win or die. Helene character study-ish.

  • Ends That Start At Middles

    Things have changed since 1L. Future!fic.

  • If I Have Thee

    The only stable point in Cuthbert's life right now is Alain. Slash.

  • The Benefit of Imprudence

    Helene had not planned on taking a lover three months into her marriage. But then she's convinced otherwise.

  • Shared Cause

    Shane and Lauren bond over ice cream and petty revenge. Sort of a missing scene for the S2 finale.

  • Made Vulnerable

    Shane catches Lauren in a vulnerable moment.

  • Lise

    Somehow, Lise Meinen manages to get into Andrei's head.

  • Ordinary Things

    Lydia loves the ordinary things. Allison Lives AU.

  • Things That Shan't Be

    The Kuragin siblings struggle with "inappropriate" feelings for each other in a society with strict views on right and wrong and where reputation is an invaluable social currency. WARNING: sibling incest.