Shadow Padawan

  • Something Like Hope

    Draco's life is falling apart, and Antonin seems to be the only stable thing in it.

  • In Shadows

    The shadows hide some of the most significant (though they may not always be identified as such in that instant) moments in our lives.

  • Blame The Rain

    Sometimes, when the world stops making sense, it's easier to blame everything on the bad weather. RL/ER.

  • In The Endless Days Of Youth

    What started out as curiosity got a bit out of hand and Merlin only knows where it might have ended up if it weren't for the war. LM/AL, LM/NM.

  • Crossing Over

    The night before her wedding, Bellatrix decides to lose her virginity to the man she loves.

  • Power Play

    Sebastian decides to have the "sex talk" with Francis - because apparently no one else will - and it turns into more of a demonstration. Bash/Francis. Slash, incest, underage. You've been warned.

  • Bending The Rules

    Pansy finally manages to win Susan over during Seventh Year, but things get unexpectedly tense when they are caught by Snape during a snogging session.

  • Middle Class

    Dolores Umbridge learns that "middle class" is a very muggle term. Character study/backstory piece.

  • Safe Haven

    A snapshot of Regulus and Barty as they move in together on the eve of Regulus' last holiday season.

  • Last Look Back Before You Jump

    Barty Crouch prepares to take the Dark Mark.

  • With All Abandon

    She should have done this sooner. Well, she was doing it now. Alecto-centric.

  • Drowning

    Pansy is in way over her head.

  • True To Yourself

    A Hufflepuff Pureblood isn't always a very easy thing to be.

  • Once The Bridges Have Burned

    Voldemort wins the First War. Severus and some of the other fighters are rounding up what is left of the Order. One night, while following a lead, Severus is detached from his squad and comes across a wounded Remus Lupin who says things that Severus never expected, and perhaps never wanted, to hear.

  • Losing Is Just A Trend

    The day Severus is acquitted by the Wizengamot is in no way memorable for anyone except the boy who finds that this is the day all the bridges burn. Contains Slash.

  • Invisible

    Barty is the first thing in his life that Regulus has not been able to explain.

  • We Don't Have To Talk About It

    Charlie loves Adam, has always loved Adam. Everything else is a choice. Post-canon.

  • Betrayed Expectations

    This affair is not what it seems. PP/NL. Post-war.

  • Ides of March

    Many years have passed since the last Wizarding War but not all wounds have healed. Some, like Lily Potter, are bravely attempting to build bridges between the two sides, but not everyone is ready to move on. A revolution is brewing and it has all the potential to tear apart the tentative peace. Main pairings: LLP/OMC, ASP/SM.

  • Could Be Dangerous

    Sometimes, John does things he knows he shouldn't but he can't help himself. (Primarily a John character study. Includes explicit references to JW/SM slash.)