

  • You Are My Light

    Raven is dark and mysterious. Beast Boy is out-going and humorous. They're so different from each other, but this doesn't change the way they feel about each other.

  • Best Kisser

    Beast Boy is always so full of himself. In his eyes, He was the best boyfriend, and the best kisser ever. He tries to get Raven to admit it, but is surprised when he hears otherwise. "You are the best kiss I've gotten... from a guy." Raven admits, as she looks away, her eyes connecting with Starfire from across the room.

  • Mischief At Titans East

    Without giving a specific reason, Bumble Bee and Aqualad decice to go out for the night, leaving Speedy to 'babysit' Mas and Menos. What seems like a harmless night soon turns out to be full of mischief, as the brothers sabotage Speedy at every chance they gain. Oh, what a mess Speedy has gotten himself into. This was going to be a long night.

  • Favorite Memories

    Beast Boy reminisces back on his favorite memories. From travelling the world with his parents, to gaining a new family with the Doom Patrol, or his first kiss with Raven. Even just spending time with his friends. Well, one thing is for sure. It's safe to say that he has more than one favorite memory.

  • Cheer Up

    Raven is having a rough day. Jericho wants to try and make her happy, but isn't sure how to. His goal for the day is to make her smile, and cheer her up, one way or another!

  • Grief

    Today is the anniversary of the death of Robin's parents. His friends can all sense he is in pain, and each of them try to help him out in some way. Robin pushes them away, however. He feels alone, as if nobody understands. But he isn't the only one on this boat. Beast Boy knows what its like to loose someone you love. He knows what it's like to loose a mother and father.

  • A New Me

    After defeating Trigon, Raven seems to have changed for the better. She's more happier, and more confident. While she has gone back to wearing black and blue, she keeps her hair long. While most of the team seems confused on her recent changes, Starfire espicially is over-joyed. The new changes are nice, but she is most excited about now being able to braid Raven's hair.

  • Girl's Night Out

    It was no secret Raven and Starfire weren't exactly close. Starfire's had enough of trying to avoid eachother, and proposes a girl's night out of dancing to Raven. While Raven is hesitant at first to go out, later on she feels thankful for being able to have a friendship with the alien, and have nights out like this.

  • Let Them Talk

    If there was one thing Robin feared more than anything, it was being teased about his feelings for Starfire. It was hard to hide behind the mask all the time, and after a late night of trying to solve crimes, Robin finds a special someone curled up in the living room couch. And watching over her, it can be tempting to just curl up with her and sleep off the rest of the night.

  • Batman Never Taught Me This

    Robin was terrible when it came to romance. He knew how to talk to girls, of course, but when it came to /romance/? He was clueless. Batman never taught him how to speak to the ladies. However so, he was going to try and muster up the courage to confess to the cute alien girl on his team, one way or another!

  • I Want To Hold Your Hand

    Gumi really wished she could be more close to Gakupo. She wished they could hug tightly without it being weird, or kiss before departing ways, but more than anything, she really just wanted to hold his hand. And it could get pretty tempting when they were walking home together, while the sun was setting.

  • Baby, It's Cold Outside

    It's a cold day in January, and all Luka wants to do is get home. She hated the winter, while in contrast, her girlfriend loves the winter. And while it was cute watching her rolling around in the snow, all the pinkette could think of was curling up by the fireplace and cuddling the night away with Miku.

  • Happy New Years

    On New Years Eve, the last place Len wanted to be was at his mother's house. His parents were divorced for a reason, so why bother celebrating with her of all relatives? And to top it off, Len's sister would be there, too. This was not a night he would be looking forward to. However, his mind might just be changed after spending some time with her.

  • All I Want For Christmas Is You

    Miku is sad. Her girlfriend, Luka, won't be here for the Holidays. Her friends want her to come out and enjoy the Christmas party with them, but Miku finds it pointless unless Luka is there. Which she isn't. However, little does she know that a very special Christmas gift is coming Miku's way, very soon.

  • Gossip

    On a crime free night, the Titans decide to hit the town for dinner. All of them-except for Raven! Where could she be? Out with Jericho. The Titans are aware of her relationship with him, and while they support her, they often wonder what their relationship is like. With Raven being absent, it gives them the perfect chance to gossip about the wonders of their relationship.

  • Drunken Texts

    They say drunk texts are really just sober thoughts. Or, in Meiko's case, they really are just drunk texts, with a side of playfullness.

  • Earth Sisters

    Boys are frustrating. Atleast Artemis has her 'earth sister', to talk with, and rant about the antics of the rest of the team.

  • Flaws

    Most couples are used to seeing eachothed naked. Not this one. Miku has always felt rather flawed, standing next to Luka. She was just so beautiful, and well, Miku was just... Miku. They had never seen eachother in the nude, and yet somehow, here she stood, undressing with Luka in the bathroom one night. (Mild sexual themes.)

  • Make Up Your Mind

    Artemis and Wally have been fighting. She's been having thoughts of joining the team again, but Wally doesn't want her to. In a fit of anger, Artemis storms off to roam the rainy streets of Gotham, to clear her mind. Thoughts flood her mind, and she is faced with a huge decision: Re-join the team, or stay with Wally, leaving the life of crime fighting behind her?

  • First Date

    First dates are never awkward when you've got a best friend like Robin. Or maybe they're more awkward...