

  • Can't Keep Hiding

    Raven is struggling with accepting her feelings for Beastboy. Despite the fact that the two are together, she finds it hard to commit herself to someone like that in such a manner. She can't keep avoiding these feelings forever, though. After a confrontation from Beastboy, Raven is able to accept these feelings and be left with a sense of happiness afterwards.

  • Acceptance

    One of Robin's greatest fears is that Batman would find out on his relationship with Wally. And while Wally always tried to convince him they weren't in any danger of being caught, Robin has his doubts. Batman is a very stern man, after all. So when they do get caught, what was the worst that could happen? How would Batman react?

  • Thank You

    Sometimes you don't take enough time to appreciate your friends. Even if they get annoying, and interrupt a training session-both the girls can feel the frustration. But Raven can get past it long enough to go and comfort her friend, and thank her and appreciate her better for being her friend. Starfire is just lucky that Raven is so patient with her.

  • I Promise

    Luka is being hit on by some guy at a bar. Everything started out just fine, until he started getting too pushy. Miku didn't like seeing someone trying to hurt her precious Luka, so she swears to always pretend to be Luka's lesbian lover, whenever some sketchy guy hits on her at a bar!

  • Secret's Out

    It was a simple mistake for Artemis to catch the two boys curled up on the couch together, wrapped up in eachother's arms. Which raises suspicion, "Are they together?" Their secret's out. And if Artemis knows, it's only fair that the rest of the team knows. Oh, and of course the entire League.

  • Over-Protective

    Gakupo was happy that Gumi had gotten a new voice with her extent. He was happy that she was happy with it, too. What he wasn't happy about, was the negative attention she got from her new outfit. It showed far too much skin than he was comfortable seeing her in! And he knew he could be over protective of her, but he really didn't like the way those perverts looked at her.

  • It's Just Us Two

    After two full years of being together, through all the good times and the bad times, the tears and the joy, Meiko and Luka decide it's time to move on and start a life of their own. Together. (Sequal to "Screw Men, All I Need is You".)

  • Jealousy

    Rin has always been worried that her brother might like Miku. This wouldn't have been a problem if Rin hadn't had a huge crush on Miku. However much, they didn't talk and barely knew eachother, Rin couldn't help the feelings she felt for her. It didn't help that she and her brother probably had something going on, preventing Rin from getting closer to Miku.

  • You Are Beautiful

    Raven has always felt like the odd one out of her team. The only one she can really call a close friend is Starfire, and even then, she feels slightly envious of her. After all, she's all these wonderful things that she isn't. But Starfire doesn't think so, and is determined to let Raven know just how loved she is!

  • Maybe One Day

    Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but maybe one day I'll have the courage to tell you how I feel.

  • Tired of Keeping Secrets

    Zatanna and Dick have been going out for quite some time now, but in secret. They both know that Zatanna's father is very protective of her, so, in pursuit of keeping it a secret from him, they resort to seeing eachother late at night. But they're tired. They both love eachother, and don't want to keep it a secret forever, but what would would happen when Zatarra finds out?

  • When They Reminisce Over You

    It hadn't been long since Wally had passed, and the wounds were still fresh. Everyone had their own way of grieving, Nightwing personally needed to be alone. Artemis was always the strong one, but right now, she felt anything but. They had both lost someone valueable to them. She lost her boyfriend. He lost his best friend.

  • Revenge Is Sweet

    Rin is bullied in school for being a lesbian, by one guy in general. But that's okay, because he doesn't know that his girlfriend has been with Rin behind his back for the last few months or so.

  • Desire

    Robin likes Kid Flash, even if he's too oblivious to notice. He's always flirting with other girls... but one accident can bring out the truth and feelings, along with some naughty fun.

  • That Time of the Month

    It's a disgusting and sickly feeling, leaving Luka feeling drained. Only girlfriend cuddles, chocolate, and movies can solve this problem.

  • Ice cream Makes Everything Better

    Yuki is grumpy. Kaito has the perfect solution.

  • Missing You

    Rin and her family went on vacation for a week. Gumi has been missing her ever since. And as much as Gumi loves talking to Rin, it isn't the same as having her right by her side.

  • Clingy

    Miku knows that Luka is just clingy because she loves her. She just wishes that Luka wouldn't be that way all the time. But at the end of the day, it's nice to know that she cares for Miku to a great extent, rather than not at all.

  • Scared of Love

    Every time I act like I love someone, they leave me. Which is why it scares me when you tell me you love me.

  • No Good

    "I'm no good," Rin whispered. "And I never have been."