

  • Drunken Confessions

    Neru has always really liked Haku, but has never had the courage to tell her. She kind of hoped that Haku would confess to her. But why would she? She was too drunk all the time to even know what love was.

  • When You're Gone

    Kaito went on a trip to New York for a week. In such a short time, Miki realises just how little much has changed without him.

  • Crybaby Boyfriend

    He was a crybaby, sure. But he was MY crybaby. One could only take so much, though.

  • April Fools!

    Iroha had liked Kaito for a while now, but had never had the courage to tell him. So of course, April fools day seemed like the perfect day to confess to him. Hey, if worse comes to worse, she could just say "April fools!" and pretend it never happend. But what had started out as a joke, turned out to go better than expected.

  • I Won't Be Afraid

    I won't shed a tear. Just as long as you stand by me.

  • How Much Do You Love Me?

    It's Valentines Day. Gumi plans to spend it with her sweetheart, but a certain jerk just happend to come in and spoil their day by flirting with her girlfriend. Gumi can't help but wonder, just how much does Lily love her, as much as she loves Lily.

  • Can't Love Without a Fight

    "She said all I ever made her feel was hurt and disgust. Which in return hurt, 'cause that was my version of love."