

  • Insomnia

    Miku's been having problems sleeping, lately. She's plagued with insomnia. But she supposes that's okay, as long as she has Luka next to her at night to watch over.

  • Daddy Dearest

    Rin loved her father. She appreciated everything he'd done for her and Len, despite struggling in many ways. Rin also realises she should probably tell him more often that she loved him, not just on Fathers day. He is her father after all, and he's the only one she's got.

  • My Favorite Student

    She was always such a sweet girl. I'm sure she learned alot from me, but in many ways, I feel like I've learned alot from her.

  • Suffering

    I'm sorry, Miku. I didn't realize how much you were suffering. I didn't know you were so sad. I wish I could have known, so I could have helped you. I'm so sorry.

  • I Want to Tell You

    ...But I can't. Rin has liked Gumi for some time now, but has never had the courage to confess. Whenever she tries to, her shyness always overcomes her, or something pops up on Gumi's end. Sometimes, Rin really wished she wasn't so shy.

  • Trying to Forget Your Name

    I took seventeen shots of vodka, and I'm trying to forget your name, but mine was the only name I forgot. And sober or drunk, you're the only thing on my mind.

  • You Should Eat Less Sugar

    After all, you're sweet enough already.

  • Nightmares

    It was just a bad dream. Luka had to convince herself that, but it was hard. Loosing Miku had to have been her worst nightmare yet.

  • She Keeps on Passing Me By

    Miku has liked Luka for a long time, and wants to confess to her, but is too afraid to loose Luka. She doesn't want to destroy Luka's one chance at happiness, either. Perhaps it'd just better to let Luka pass her by. Maybe she'd be better off in the long run without her.

  • Stay Strong, Daddy!

    Not wanting Yuki to feel any stress and pain, her mother always tried to convince her that her father was just sleeping. And of course, Yuki beileved her. Yet, she couldn't help but think that something was much more wrong than just being asleep for so long.

  • Watching You Grow

    Yuki has always been a quiet young girl. So Miki is surprised, when she requests to be taken to the mall and then asks for advice on boys. All the while, she can't help but be proud of how much Yuki is growing as a person.

  • Hangover Days

    Meiko has always been a bit of an alcholic. She'd drink and drink and drink the night before, and regret it all the next morning. But it had it's perks. The next day, Meiko would always find herself being cared for by a beautiful woman.

  • Insecurities

    We all have them. Some are just better at hiding them, more than others.

  • Love Notes

    Soon after being paired with someone boring during class, Miku becomes bored. She begins to write Luka notes to pass time, and soon bets on who will get caught first. After all, it seemed like a fun idea... for the first while, anyways.

  • Good Morning!

    Mornings were always tough for Luka. Whereas Miku was definitely a morning person. Wanting to improve Luka's morning moods, it becomes Miku's goal to make Luka happy and shake that morning sleepiness!

  • When She Sleeps

    Yes, there were many great qualities about Meiko. But there was always one thing Luka especially loved about her.

  • Let's Play the Pocky Game!

    With an hour left of a party, and everyones tired, what is there to do? Well, Rin's got a pretty mischievous idea to bring the party back to life... "You guys wanna play the pocky game?"

  • Tell Her

    There comes a point in time where you just fall out of love. But sometimes, there also comes the point of really trying to decide, 'Do I love you or not' Either one can be just as difficult to decide.

  • Can't Live With Her, Can't Live Without Her

    As much as I hate myself, I hate you more. But I still smile when you come through that door.

  • Ask Big Sister!

    Iroha was like a big sister to Ryuto. He always came to her when he had a problem. Plus she gave the best advice! She was the 'best-est' big sister he could ever ask for.