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Collection by Robert {{ vm.collection.storiesCountText }} Updated: 18 Jul 2024
  • PS I Love You

    It started with a book, memories, and a wish. Before Sirius went into hiding in the Prisoner of Azkaban, he took Reagan Lillian Potter and named her his heir. Furthermore, he left her with a diary. During the Tri-Wizard tournament, Reagan is isolated and alone and finds comfort from someone unlikely. Until the point where she can no longer bear to live in this time. Fem!Harry
  • Resurgence

    A man lost in the sands of time is back with a vengeance. And this time, it will take more than a dark lord to quench his thirst. Dark! Harry, Slytherin! Harry, Powerful! Harry. Time-Travel. AU.
  • Time to Put Your Galleons Where Your Mouth Is

    Harry had never been able to comprehend a sibling relationship before, but he always thought he'd be great at it. Until, as Master of Death, he's reborn one Turais Rigel Black, older brother to Sirius and Regulus. (Rebirth/time travel and Master of Death Harry)
  • Paradoxical Parallels

    Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, suffered a remarkably similar past to the child Tom Riddle when he was put into the foster care system. He grew up equally charismatic, just as cunning, and with the same love for the chaotic. But naturally, Dumbledore never suspected Harry as he had with young Tom. Harry's chosen allegiances were ones that they would never see coming.
  • Playing With Fire!

    Harry is fed up with being treated like a hero one day and despised the next. Being forced to compete in the Triwizard Tournament became the final straw. Now Harry is done playing the saviour and plans to extract revenge against his enemies. How does Harry plan to accomplish his goal? Read on to find out. Rated T!
  • Harry Potter and the Gathering Storm

    What would happen if a certain pink hair Auror was introduced to Harry a little sooner? What if Voldemort was less concerned about secrecy and had built up his forces while he was without a body? A storm would gather and like always Harry will find himself in the middle. Takes place during Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts. HarryxTonksxFleur.
  • Harry Potter: War Mage

    We can't change our past, we can only look towards the future.. and The Order of The Phoniex will secure the safety of that future.
  • Fire & Gold

    Deep in the depths of the Black Mountain sleeps an ancient creature... well, not so ancient as you might think. Some stuff with a killing curse, a pinch of black magic, stir with a very fortunate bloodline, a touch of friendly half-giant, some sprinkled blatant Animagus talent, and young Harry Potters life just got more interesting faster than you can say, "DRAGON!"
  • I'm back

    "I could make a life for myself, carve my own path and live happily... but that snake faced bastard is still out there somewhere, and I won't rest until he's dead. And if I fail? Well, what's another body among foundations?" (Inspired by Kathryn518's I'm still here) (Time Travel, Family Magic, AU)
  • Black Fury

    With his dying breath, a man sends word to Sirius Black that will have far reaching changes across the world. How will this change effect his godson? Well, I suppose that you will just have to see for yourself.
  • The Forgotten Child

    Neglected in favor for his Brother. Harry will prove to the world he is the strongest wizard ever. Follow him and his familiar on his journey towards greatness.
  • It's Sirius Time

    Set after GoF. Harry is tired of Dumble's manipulations and being coddled by everyone. Alternate version of OoTP with Harry becoming more independent with Sirius and Remus more prominent. Mild Dumbledore,Ron,Hermione, Molly bash (very mild). Pairings undecided. Rated M to be safe.
  • The Benefits of Wizard Photography

    Harry is back at the Dursleys for summer. It's hot and he can't sleep. Fortunately, Hermione has sent him a letter and a photo from her vacation that may help him pass the time.
  • Stress Relief

    Out in the wild, hunting Horcruxes, Hermione knows her boys are under enormous stress. It is tearing them apart, breaking their friendship. She knows she has to do something. She has to save her boys.
  • The Road to Darker Shades

    Beaten, rescued and eventually turned. Harry starts seeing the world for what it really is and slowly accepts the new changes along with the growing darkness inside him along with startling truths. How will the world later react to a new Harry who is darker, more powerful and a half vampire? BEING REWRITTEN
  • Looking beyond labels

    Harry is fed up with Umbridge and the other ministry morons and their stupid propaganda against him. While coming back from his detentions, he ends up rescuing a girl who changes his complete perception of the wizarding world and ends up altering his life for the better. Both of them get to know each other & realize that labels mean nothing and it is the person that counts.
  • Hidden Harry

    What if the "power he knows not" is simply LOTS AND LOTS of power? A silly story written for my pwn amusement about an OP Harry Potter who doesn't realize just how OP he is. Rated M for fear of the thought police.
  • Paid In Blood

    After decades of an empty life and wars that claimed all he ever held dear, the greatest dark lord in living memory and his most loyal servant are finally ready to challenge fate and once again bring down their vengeance upon their enemies. AU, extended universe, Time-Travel, bashing and HAPHNE.