Someone aka Me

  • slipping

    "she's slipping faster than you can shore her up" :: ParvatiLavender, freeverse. dark and angsty. beware lack of capital letters.

  • No Matter What

    In which Parvati feels somewhat responsible for Lavender's scars, but is mostly just glad that she's still breathing. :: light Parvati/Lavender, post-Battle of Hogwarts

  • Thank You, Molly Prewett

    "They call him oddball, stranger, /freak/." But she's different. :: Molly&Arthur friendship, age eleven

  • Ink-Stained Keys

    Hannah Abbott has always known that she was meant to play piano.

  • These are the Moments

    Remus realises that his feelings toward Sirius are a little more than friendly. Then that he's in love with the idiot. Sirius just skips straight to the second realisation, as usual. :: Remus/Sirius, for Sylvia.

  • untamed

    "He is the only /dragon/ you have never been able to tame." :: Charlie/Draco, freeverse. For Sam.

  • When the Time is Right

    "First, they almost meet. She's eight, nothing but a child, shivering, drenched. He's riding the high of watching his classmates tie up the Triwizard Tournament. They're within feet of each other, but their eyes don't meet and their paths don't cross and it's nothing but what will always remain an almost." :: Seamus/Gabrielle, postwar.

  • Not a Bodyguard

    Bill Weasley has his career appointment with Professor McGonagall.

  • Writing an Epitaph

    How do you sum up an entire life in the space on a memorial plaque? How can that ever be enough? :: Remus/Sirius, after Sirius' death.

  • Essentials

    "Mostly, though, you miss /him/." :: Dean/Seamus, set in DH.

  • The Same As A Duck

    The only half-blood on the Muggle-born Registration Commission decides to have a bit of fun, Monty Python and the Holy Grail style. Crack!fic, not intended to be taken seriously. :: "So, logically… If she weighs the same as a duck…"

  • house of cards

    "She is living in a house of cards. One wrong move, and the life she's so carefully built will all come tumbling down." Ron/Hermione, though not of a fluffy, happy sort.

  • An Eternity Wide

    "The space between you is two steps and an eternity wide." :: Remus/Sirius

  • Hero Worship

    "It isn't proper, she knows, and it isn't love. But knowing and feeling are two different things, and she can't stop dreaming of a pair of emerald eyes." :: Almost Gabrielle/Harry? Ace!Gabi.

  • Flagrant Misconduct and Bubbles

    In which Sirius is cheeky, Remus is embarrassed and quite exasperated, and Professor McGonagall's mischievous streak is showing. :: Remus/Sirius

  • Crutch

    He cripples you. But he's also your crutch. :: Remus/Sirius

  • In Unexpected Places

    Scorpius really, really doesn't know how to deal with crying girls. At the same time, though, he just can't bring himself to flee. :: Beginnings of a RoseScorpius friendship.

  • Smoke

    The middle, the beginning, and the end. In that order. :: Remus/Sirius, Sirius&James friendship.

  • Against the Odds

    Percy tells himself that he is satisfied with simply being best mates, satisfied with the way things are. After all, it's just a crush, right? And he won't risk losing this friendship – this unlikely, perfect friendship – for anything. Percy/Oliver. :: Won Best Written, Best Characterization, Reilly's Judge's Choice, and tied for Best Overall in the HPFC fic exchange!

  • Asymmetry

    This shouldn't be happening, but it is. Or, it kills Oliver to watch the man he still loves marry someone else. :: past Oliver/Percy, Percy/Audrey