Someone aka Me

  • With All Her Heart

    "She does love him. She's just not sure that's enough." :: Minerva McGonagall/Elphinstone Urquart with mentions of past Minerva/Dougal McGregor. Pottermore spoilers.

  • The Evolution of Seamus Finnigan

    Seamus and Dean, in pencil sketches. Years 1-7. Mild Seamus/Dean. :: "Pencil and sketchbook paper seems at first glance such a simple medium, but that makes it all the more challenging, you think. It takes true skill, then, to be extraordinary. And /he/ is extraordinary. The image of you is /alive/."

  • La Princesa

    In which Walburga Black learns about duty, propriety, and love. :: "She wanted nothing more than to forget her duty and call him back, but she wouldn't because she was a Black, and that was what mattered."

  • an unconventional fairytale

    "Your handsome fairytale price has other nightmares, and he is not afraid of /you/." Remus/Sirius, freeverse.

  • it isn't because

    There are so many reasons that aren't why Neville asks Ginny to the Yule Ball. There's really only one reason why he does, and he hates himself for it. Neville/Ginny, though not in a particularly romantic sort of way.

  • Intentions and Revelations

    When Charlie promises that he'll be home for Christmas and doesn't show, Bill goes to Romania to tell him off. Charlie, as it turns out, has good reason. Charlie/Draco, for Sam.

  • Sometimes Endings Aren't Really Endings At All

    She is completely baffling, and he will never understand her. Light Draco/Luna. Post-War. For Gamma.

  • The Fool

    He never intended to fall for her. He can't really help it – she's pretty, clever. He expects to live with the heartbreak, because he's smart enough to know that she's taken. He doesn't expect her to sabotage him, take him in, lead him on, and then crush him. But that's what she does. And he still can't bring himself to hate her for it. Onesided Cormac/Hermione.

  • Second Best

    "It isn't that he no longer believes in happy endings. After all, this is one. Just… not for him." :: Unrequited FrediiScorpius, RoseScorpius.

  • Dwelling on Dreams

    Albus Dumbledore may have said that it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, but George has long ceased caring. :: George Weasley accidentally stumbles upon the Mirror of Erised. Post-war.

  • all the will in the world

    Katie Bell is bound and determined to make her mark the night of the Battle of Hogwarts, and she's well on her way – but apparently fate has other plans. Character Death.

  • Exit Lines

    Regulus Black says his final goodbye to a charred circle on a too-familiar tapestry, because he knows that he cannot tell anyone his plans.

  • Muddling Through

    Post-war. Molly pretends to be invincible, because George needs to see that life goes on. Behind closed doors, though, she cannot help but crack. Arthur/Molly.

  • For Her Smile

    He will do anything to see her smile. And yet, she wonders aloud what she did to deserve him – clearly, she has it all backwards. Pre-Hogwarts. Sev and Lily Christmas Eve fluffiness.

  • Just Trust Me

    In which there are a lot of things they simply do not say, and Remus decides to just trust Sirius, for once. The Marauders introduce Remus to their Animagus forms in a last-minute sort of way.

  • F r e e

    Remus/Sirius. Underneath the summer sun, they are f r e e. Freeverse.

  • Absolutely Bonkers

    Mad ideas, an explanation, and an impromptu waltz. Just another day in hiding for the Potter family, right? Slice of life, James/Lily.

  • Just For This Moment

    "And, for this moment, it's like nothing has changed. It's like the doubt, the feelings of betrayal, the twelve years apart – it's like all of that never even happened. They're seventeen again, perfectly in tune with each other's every movement, every breath." :: Remus/Sirius

  • Twelve Years

    Remus and Sirius speak for the first time after the events of PoA. Remus/Sirius. :: "And Remus hates this tenuous line they're walking."

  • Of West Ham Football

    Luna writes a letter to Neville about her first football game. Slight mentions of Dean/Luna, Neville/Hannah, Seamus/Lavender, and Harry/Ginny. :: "Just Dean and I, some exploration of the countryside, and lots of West Ham football. I know I told you I was expecting football to be rather boring, but I decided to approach it with an open mind–"