Someone aka Me

  • Because He Loves Her

    "And because he loves her, he can't bear to tell her." "The Quidditch games, they are his stolen moments, the only times he'll allow himself to cherish what once was and what could have been." Percy/Oliver, Percy/Audrey

  • Mourning the World

    "This is her day; it's supposed to be the best day of her life. And she loves him, she does. But her Maid of Honor is late, and Lavender, her only bridesmaid, is solemn and scarred, and this is not how Parvati pictured her wedding day."

  • A Lovesick Fool

    "She throws her arms around him and it's an odd hug with James on one knee and Lily on both knees and they're kneeling in mud and the rain is coming down in heavy sheets but no one cares because it's beautiful and it feels right." JP/LE

  • An Unusual Mind

    "Luna's vision of Hogwarts is a dreamy, romantic sort of place where anything is possible – even something as crazy as a Crumple-Horned Snorkack being friends with a Nargle." Luna's first day at Hogwarts.

  • A Denim Romance

    They paint the same room so many times they've lost count. "They both know there's a war going on out there – for Merlin's sake, people are dying – but somehow, in this room, it seems like none of that can touch them." SB/RL, Fluff. T for safety.

  • Irreplaceable

    "Watching Lily Evans – no, it's Potter now – get married was the hardest thing Severus Snape ever did." "He tells Lucius that she's replaceable – but she's not." Unrequited SS/LE, JP/LE. Songfic to Adele's Someone Like You.

  • Unsent

    Eight pieces of parchment sit in the gap between two bricks in an empty cell in the depths of Azkaban. Put together, these letters tell a tale that, if told when they were written, could have changed the course of two men's lives forever. Light RL/SB.

  • Undefinably Odd

    For the Asexual Awareness Challenge. "Am I crazy for simply wanting to want something without actually wanting it? It certainly sounds like I am. I don't think I am, though. I think I'm just different, like always."

  • An Odd Sort of Meeting

    "Smiling a bit embarrassedly, she says, "I was just making sure you weren't a hallucination." "Have those often, do you?" he drawls in return." Since when is Draco Malfoy the one doing the rescuing? No Pairings.

  • Balloons

    Neville/Hannah. She fills up a black balloon with helium and lets the darkness go. For the Dribble Drabble Challenge on HPFC

  • The Best of Them

    He's just got this feeling, that now that James has everything he ever dreamed of, that nothing's ever going to be the same. And he hates her a little bit, just for that. Because it's always been James and Sirius, like they're one entity. JPLE, SB POV

  • Painted Plastic Smiles

    Full title includes: "And Pretty Pink Bridesmaid Dresses." "There was no way Padma could go to a wedding–even her sister's wedding–and watch all the happy people, and paint on a plastic smile in her pretty pink bridesmaid dress, and not say anything."

  • A Rough Road to a Good Life

    For the 48 Hours Challenge. HP/HG, Harmony. They took the long road there, and it was never easy, but Harry and Hermione finally get their happily ever after.

  • Sheltered

    "Sirius takes the fall for everything Regulus ever does, and the gap between them widens as their Mum begins to believe in Regulus's perfection and Sirius's constant failures."No pairings. The relationship b/n Sirius and Regulus from birth until he leaves

  • Evolution

    How Sirius Black went from a carefree little boy to a troubled teen to an anguished adult. No real pairings.

  • Coffee, Fate's Wheel, and Fishing

    "You just haven't found the right fish yet, Pads." "I hate fishing! I've been fishing for too long; I've caught way too many fish, but they all just hop off the line after a minute or two!" "Maybe you ought to try a net?" SB/RL Fluff.48 Hours Challenge

  • The Things We Overcome

    For the Irrational Fears Challenge. "The people that hate, they hate because they have hate in their hearts, and that's them. It's not about you." Seamus is terrified of stairs. At Hogwarts. Oh boy.

  • Growing Up Werewolf

    Remus-centric, Pre-Lily and James' deaths. "Being bitten, that was his reality check. That was his warning: he's not living in a fairy tale world any longer. He was, but that's over now. Reality time." What it was like for Remus after being bitten.

  • The Nights that Define Us

    Threeshot JP/LE Because the only thing James would ever stay up all night for - excluding Marauders and moons - is Lily. He did so three times. The first time he was nervous. The second, planning. The third, he was anxious and excited and anticipatory...

  • A Rainbow Love

    RL/NT "They started out so r e d. All fire and passion, they were a whirlwind romance, a maelstrom of emotions." They traversed the whole rainbow in the short time they had together. For the "Skittles" Challenge at HPFC. 7 drabbles.