Someone aka Me

  • Dancing in the Rain

    "She wonders when James Potter went and grew up, because he certainly didn't do so while she was watching." JP/LE – James waltzes with a reluctant Lily in a thunderstorm.

  • The Vulnerability of Trust

    "Yet, when it comes to Remus, Regulus will forfeit knowledge just because Remus asks him to. He will stay in the metaphorical dark, where he so hates to be, all because he trusts." Very light Remus/Regulus.

  • Bittersweet

    "And the memories all taste so bittersweet." THREESHOT, Remus/Sirius. Christmas Eve, 1992, 1993, and 1994.

  • Another Life

    "I'm sorry," Remus says again. "Maybe… Maybe, in another life, I could have loved you. Maybe, if things were different, this could have worked." Very angsty Remus/Regulus.

  • Effortlessly Complicated

    Maybe it's Fate. Maybe it's coincidence. Maybe it's sheer dumb luck. Whatever it is, when a certain ex-Death Eater runs smack into a certain redheaded Dragon Tamer, all they know is, neither's life is ever going to be the same again. Charlie/Draco.

  • Nobody's Princess

    "Haven't you realized? I'm nobody," he says. "I don't mind being Nobody's Princess," is her reply. Hermione/Theo.

  • No One Mourns the Wicked

    "There is no honor, says the world, in fighting for the Dark side." But someone has to mourn the wicked. Someone has to mourn for Severus Snape, for Bellatrix Lestrange, for Barty Crouch, and for Tom Riddle.

  • Red Curls

    Percy/Oliver. 10 drabbles about their relationship for the Drabble Collection Challenge on HPFC. "It's not much neater than their first kiss, and it's raw and fierce, but it's them – clashing all the way."

  • Subtle Bravery

    "The Blacks, they are Slytherins, through and through. And yet, simultaneously, they are the bravest of all." 5 Drabbles on the bravery of Sirius, Andromeda, Regulus, Bellatrix, and Narcissa. Now complete.

  • A Life Like Potions

    "And this life of servitude is the life he's gotten himself into, it's his lot, and, finally, life seems like potions, because he gets out what he earned." No pairings. Severus Snape, growing up. For the Alliteration Competition.

  • Despite it All

    "Because while Sirius is stupid and reckless and frustrating, Remus loves him despite all of that." Remus/Sirius, depicting the fallout from "The Prank," when Sirius apologizes a total of sixty times before Remus finally forgives him.

  • Whole With You

    "It's such a simple moment, really. It shouldn't mean anything, and yet, it means everything." Sirius and Remus on a peaceful spring day, reading Hamlet. Very light Remus/Sirius. For the Title Challenge and the Couples and Good Friends Competition.

  • When Words Fail

    "Because when words fail, actions speak." RL/SB. Remus is hurt and angry after the Prank, and he ends up nursing his fifth glass of firewhiskey in the Hog's Head. But Sirius is there to catch him when he falls – literally.

  • The Infamous Bellatrix Lestrange

    When Bellatrix Lestrange breaks out of Azkaban, Seamus explains to Dean why this fact should terrify everyone. For the "Very Potter Quotes" Competition.

  • Orange Kittens and Brotherhood

    "As always after speaking with Luna, Colin feels like he's answered one question and come up with a thousand more." Ginny/Colin friendship, some Luna. Ginny knows that Colin loves cats, so she tries to help him out.

  • Skipping Stones and Simple Kisses

    Neville/Luna. : While everyone else looks at him differently after the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville finds comfort with Luna, who knew he was a hero all along. Fluffy.

  • Photographs of Heaven

    "He buries pieces of himself with his brother. With every shovelful of dirt that covers Colin's casket, Dennis changes. He buries his bravery with his brother. He buries his pride. And he buries his conviction."

  • Not a Martyr

    He's not a masochist, and he is not a martyr, but Regulus Black is done being someone he's not. How Regulus fell from grace, and why he died a hero, though no one knew.

  • Thawing Out

    He's spent two years turning to ice, and two years frozen through, but at Oliver's simple words, for the first time in four long years, he begins to thaw. : Percy's winters through the years, from age ten to twenty-one. No pairings.

  • Awe and Chocolate

    "Their first ever Hogsmeade visit, they're thirteen and naïve and innocent–well, not innocent really, but as innocent as the Marauders ever were." Remus and Sirius's first Hogsmeade visit. No pairings.Fluff. Won Runner up in Your Favorite Character Comp!